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BBpress Forum Search not Working with theme

  • @schuitema



    Please help, the bbpress search widgets bring up everything but my forum topics and replies, it also seems to replicate the results many times over, some 76 pages worth of repeated results.

    I have search sor a solution to no end, and have narrowed it down to be a problem with my theme, as it works perfectly on a default wp theme, my theme developer isn’t responding to any request for support unfortunately, is there anyone here who could help me figure this out.


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  • @robkk


    Try this.

    Create a child theme if you haven’t already, and copy the bbPress template files into your child theme.

    This guide will tell you what folders containing files you can copy over into your theme.

    Theme Compatibility



    Hi Rob

    Thanx for the suggestion, however it doesn’t seem to have made any difference.

    Is there anything else you could recommend?




    I’ve copied everything referred to in the article into my child theme, but the problem still persists.



    WHat theme is it?

    Link to your site so I can check it out.



    Themewaves Flatco Theme

    It is a members only Forum, so I have registered a test account for you.

    Username: bbpress
    Password: bbpress




    Click my profile link to see my profile, and click the contact me link then email me the username and password there.

    Also I tried the username and password you provided here on your site, and they seem not to work for some reason.



    Hi Rob

    I reset the login details

    and resent you the username and password.




    I think you disabled the forum search or just haven’t enabled it.

    As an alternative you can also include the bbPress posts into the regular WordPress search.

    Plugin, snippet, hack to include bbpress topics in wordpress search

    From what I could see, on your bbPress pages there was blog post data like the continue reading button.
    You may need to create a bbpress.php file to get rid of all the post meta data on your bbPress pages.

    Getting Started in Modifying the Main bbPress Template



    Hi Rob

    Sorry but I am really at a loss here.

    The What The File plugin directed me to the index.php, I copied this to my child theme and pasted the suddested code in there, this changed my layout dramatically when viwing the forum and search results, but did noting to help with the problem, still not getting forum results in the bbpress search.

    I also tried adding the code suggested in the thread, to add forum to the wp search, and installed both plugin fixes, but still wordpress ignores the forum in it’s searches.

    The issue is that my forum is useless without a decent search function.

    Please help.



    Creating the bbpress.php file was for removing the blog post data like the continue reading button. I guess you can just use CSS instead. creating the bbpress.php file was not for fixing the search issue.

    You do not need to install the plugin fixes in that topic, it was for another issue for that user.

    Can you enable the forum search in Settings>Forum again so I could see what could be causing the issue again. I remember there being something saying I don’t have the capability/ability to search because of my account to search or something? I am wondering if there is an issue with whatever is causing that too.




    Sorry Rob, I must have turned that off when troble shooting, when now on, the search appears differently but still only finds blog and other posts, no Forum posts.

    The membership level I gave allows sitewide access, but some posts are drip fed, thats probably where you saw some restriction being displayed.

    Kind Regards



    I notice now that, this error comes up when inspecting the element after search with bot wp and bbpress search, now that search forum-wide is on.




    Umm just contact me via email and see I can resolve the issue for you.

    The error you are seeing has to do with a stylesheet, so it shouldn’t affect the functionality of the forum search. You may need to contact your theme author for that, or see if a plugin is causing the issue??

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