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bbPress 2.6 Release Candidate 3

  • @johnjamesjacoby


    Hey everyone! Guess what?

    bbPress 2.6, Release Candidate 3, is now available for testing.

    Download it from here:

    Why is this cool? For starters, @jeffr0 may finally climb down off my back and stop giving me grief for how long it’s been since we shipped a major release.

    bbPress 2.5.0 in 2014, 3 years ago.

    Most people wouldn’t be proud to say that, but… I am. The 2.5 branch of bbPress has been so stable & well received, we were able to take our time with 2.6 and double-down on upstream improvements to WordPress.

    bbPress 2.6 will come with:

    * Per-forum moderators
    * Improved favorites & subscriptions management
    * Improved BuddyPress integration
    * Performance improvements across the board
    * UX improvements to meta-boxes and admin-area tools
    * Tighter integration with WordPress’s Dashboard
    * Template tweaks & clean-up
    * About 110 other things

    If you’re going to test 2.6 on a live site, maybe don’t just yet. It runs a database upgrade routine to migrate favorites & subscriptions from usermeta to postmeta, and for large forums that may take a while or possibly lock things up for a bit.

    We are already running 2.6 here and on, so enjoy the speedier new posting experience, and we’ll let you know when the next beta is ready!

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  • @balloonsc


    Widget issue in bbpress ( Version 2.6-rc-3 )

    I have setup “Maximum topics to show: 3” on Recent topics, Recent replies
    But it doesn’t really work. it seems to display all.

    I have just switched to v2.5.12 and tested. It works fine.

    I am not sure if it’s already reported or I have missed something.

    BTW, Thank you for all of your work. I am so excited to use 2.6!
    Can you please tell me when it should be released? maybe in a week?




    Hey Guys,

    I have installed BBPress 2.6 RC3 because my host upgraded PHP version to 7.1.6. I’m using WordPress 4.7.5.

    The problem is that I cannot create forums anymore. The “save” / “Update” Button disappeared from the page along with the editor options. As you can see here:

    Please, can you help me?
    Best regards



    @christianbritto It works fine for me.
    I also checked other themes and works fine.
    I see you have activated a few plugins. You should deactivate them and switch to WP default theme.

    Thank you,



    I found a bug with bbPress RC3 and BuddyPress. Tested with a fresh install using WordPress 4.8, and with only bbPress 2.6 RC3 and BuddyPress 2.8.2 activated. On the activity page the drop down box has duplicates. I’m running PHP 7.0.

    bbPress bug




    I can confirm your widget issue. I’ve created at ticket:

    You can follow the progress there.



    @thebrandonallen Thank you! so fast!



    There seems to be some extra filtering going on in the bbp_get_topic_pagination_count filter that I use to insert some extra detail about who (which logged in users) has seen a post. That’s fine of course. The problem for me is that I insert a <span> (with a class) to enable styling of my extra content and this new filtering is coding the HTML, e.g. < becomes &lt ; etc. Can this be addressed please? Or can you direct me as to which filter to switch off please?



    @peterwsterling Can you add a copy of the exact code you’re using please?




    The HTML tags are being converted to HTML entities in bbp_topic_pagination_count(), because of output esacping (esc_html() in this case). If you want to wrap the output from bbp_get_topic_pagination_count() in a <span>, you’ll need to replace all usages of bbp_topic_pagination_count() with your own custom output function, or echo bbp_get_topic_pagination_count(). The latter is not recommended. A custom output function might look like below:

    function my_topic_pagination_count() {
        echo '<span>' . esc_html( bbp_get_topic_pagination_count() ). '</span>';



    where can I download the latest Release Candidate 4?



    @kriskl, we’ve not tagged an RC4 release, we probably should, stay tuned 🙂



    Any news Stephen Edgar?

    Berrie Pelser – Ber|Art Visual Design



    I am not sure about “Candidate 3 or 4”. but just wonder 😉 when 2.6 will be released?
    It goes to Candidate 4 before released?
    Any approximate date?



    Is the following feature available in 2.6?

    Blog Forum Cross-posting Feature, where the comments on particular blog post will also be posted as Forum Replies.

    I am aware of this plugin BBPress Topics for Posts :

    The problem with this plugin is it won’t allow further comments to be posted. It replaces the comments section with a link to discussion where all the comments are moved to the forum.

    I want the comments to be enabled so a user with no time can just leave a comment and go.

    I read this feature is going to be part of core BBPress 2.6. Could somebody confirm on this?




    Hope to see the 2.6 release soon.



    I’ve been running 2.6-rc-3 on a test site for a couple of weeks now. Works great but I am getting a lot of error log entries.

    [31-Jul-2017 09:14:39 America/Vancouver] PHP Notice: Undefined index: sanitize_callback in /…/wp-content/plugins/bbpress/includes/admin/admin.php on line 390

    Thanks, Max



    Will 2.6 include direct image uploads as opposed to just URL copy/paste?



    Hey All

    Forgive me if this has already been discussed but I was wondering if a fix to the pagination links of threads with 100 or more pages of replies has been resolved as part of 2.6?

    The issue is discussed here along with code that resolves the problem:

    Links to last post are wrong (pagination issue?)




    Well we’re all waiting for breaking news for bbPress release or rc4 but online timesheets it is not. And seeing as user onlinetimesheets’ system is built on Microsoft ASP.Net 4 it seems unlikely to make much use of bbPress..

    Now, could we get the bbPress on to add the Plugin name (Forum title) to the email alerts? It’s tiring getting all the alerts with no context about which plugin they refer to.

    Something like this should do it:

    function add_the_plugin_name_please( $message, $reply_id, $topic_id ){
      $topic_title  = strip_tags( bbp_get_topic_title( $topic_id ) );
      $forum_title = bbp_get_topic_forum_title($topic_id);
      $messageheader = sprintf( __( 'New post in Forum "%1$s", Topic "%2$s".', 'wordpress-org' ),
      $messagefooter .= "\r\n" . "\r\n" . __('Thankyou for participating on', 'wordpress-org' );
      return $messageheader . "\r\n" . "\r\n" . $message . "\r\n" . $messagefooter;
    add_filter( 'bbp_subscription_mail_message', 'add_the_plugin_name_please', 10, 3);



    Noticed when migrating from 2.5.12 to 2.6 beta 2 (and also in RC1 and RC3), that my custom CSS file in mytheme/css/bbpress.css is no longer being detected.

    I am seeing that here as well… Since your post was never commented on, I don’t know if it was ignored or simply thought irrelevant. Or maybe missed. 🙂

    Looking at the HTML between the old site and a test site running the SVN pull of 2.6, it seems that previously as part of the enqueue_styles() call, it generated:

    <link data-asynced="1" as="style" onload="this.rel=&quot;stylesheet&quot;" rel="stylesheet" id="bbp-default-css" href="https://siteurl/wp-content/themes/mythemename/css/bbpress.css" type="text/css" media="screen">

    Now it is generating:

    <link data-asynced="1" as="style" onload="this.rel=&quot;stylesheet&quot;" rel="stylesheet" id="bbp-default-css" href="https://siteurl/wp-content/plugins/bbpress/templates/default/css/bbpress.min.css" type="text/css" media="all">

    So, it is not looking in the site css folder, but instead pulling from the plugin folder.

    Is this intentional? If not, is there a fix/workaround?



    Realized part of it, it is looking for a .min.css version, and I only had bbpress.css. When I copied the bbpress.css file to bbpress.min.css in my child theme it found it.



    One other issue is how the forum list is generated, it seems it is invalid HTML having text in the

      that is outside the

    • elements.
      <ul class="bbp-forums-list">
      <li class="bbp-forum"><a href="forum-url" class="bbp-forum-link">forum-name (counts)</a>,</li>

      In 2.6 I am getting this:

      <ul class="bbp-forums-list">
      <li class="bbp-forum"><a href="form-url" class="bbp-forum-link">forum-name (counts)</a></li>,

      The seperator of a comma is being put after each li tag instead of inside of it.



    @scmsteve created this issue:

    We’ve resolved it for the 2.6 release. <3



    Quick question regarding adding multiple moderators to a specific forum. Can you add the usernames separated by a comma?



    @JJJ , I have RC5 running. Whenever I update a topic in admin area the user subscriptions get lost. As admin, I need to correct spelling errors and tags of a topic. But after saving (in backend admin area), all subscriptions get lost. Is this a bug?

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