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bbPress 2.6 Release Candidate 3

  • @johnjamesjacoby


    Hey everyone! Guess what?

    bbPress 2.6, Release Candidate 3, is now available for testing.

    Download it from here:

    Why is this cool? For starters, @jeffr0 may finally climb down off my back and stop giving me grief for how long it’s been since we shipped a major release.

    bbPress 2.5.0 in 2014, 3 years ago.

    Most people wouldn’t be proud to say that, but… I am. The 2.5 branch of bbPress has been so stable & well received, we were able to take our time with 2.6 and double-down on upstream improvements to WordPress.

    bbPress 2.6 will come with:

    * Per-forum moderators
    * Improved favorites & subscriptions management
    * Improved BuddyPress integration
    * Performance improvements across the board
    * UX improvements to meta-boxes and admin-area tools
    * Tighter integration with WordPress’s Dashboard
    * Template tweaks & clean-up
    * About 110 other things

    If you’re going to test 2.6 on a live site, maybe don’t just yet. It runs a database upgrade routine to migrate favorites & subscriptions from usermeta to postmeta, and for large forums that may take a while or possibly lock things up for a bit.

    We are already running 2.6 here and on, so enjoy the speedier new posting experience, and we’ll let you know when the next beta is ready!

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  • @airathalitov


    Which php version do you using?



    Is 2.6 beta sql tables compatible with 2.5?



    I AM a hosting provider. Crazy fast servers. Siteground can hold a candle to what I run ๐Ÿ˜‰

    But when software is this bogged down, the hardware cost is just too high to justify. I would have to charge my customers 10X to make up for the performance difference and new hardware requirements.

    Ive been optimizing for weeks, but the sad truth is, I could run on 1/5th-1/10th the hardware if I simply switched to other forum software that was built from the ground up to run forums. WordPress architecture has bbPress’s hands effectively tied.



    Is there a chance of a converter for the newbb script (xoops)?



    Is 2.6 beta sql tables compatible with 2.5?




    @5lions If you’re asking about back-porting to 2.5, it’s probably not advisable, especially if you already ran the favorites & subscriptions migration. It will work, but you may need to repair your favorites & subscriptions.

    Assuming it’s the DB that’s causing you problems, if you’re able to include specific slow queries that you’re seeing, I can recommend work-arounds. (For instance, excluding private/hidden forums is costly, and moving them to a dedicated site where permissions can be handled globally will work wonders.)



    Hey @johnjamesjacoby

    2.6b2 got my replies out of sync with the freshness link and reply count on the forum index page. Usually topics that have a lot of replies got out of sync… when user clicks to go to the latest reply.. the ID of the reply is correct.. but the page is wrong.

    Example of what’s going on:

    Topic with 24.439 replies… last page is 1630 but the freshness link took me to page 1627 and forum index shows this topic has 24.403 replies.

    I already saw topics with 500 replies with this problem and others with 1000 replies doing just fine… kinda weird. lol

    I tried to use the repair tool but I always get the timeout problem… probably because I have more than 45M replies.

    There’s any way I can run the repair tool straight from the DB or SSH? idk.

    Any help will be appreciated.

    Thank you =)



    btw.. I can see a lot of speed improvements on 2.6b2 over 2.5.12! gr8 job!
    posting is pretty fast now.

    cheers for that.



    Congrats to everyone involved!



    Thanks a lot,was looking for -php7.1 fix
    when is the final release?
    how to auto update on WordPress





    I’ve had that trac page bookmarked for over a year, so happy to see it’s almost done. ๐Ÿ˜€ Congrats to the team for all the hard work, looking forward to testing this out.



    Is it just me or does the subscription data stay in postmeta when I delete a user from the WP admin? I would expect all subscriptions to be deleted when a user is deleted..right?



    Forum Size out of whack. How do I make forum list and forums themselves width of page? Latest wordpress, php7.0.19, twenty sixteen theme.

    Forum very small



    I just packaged 2.6 Release Candidate 1! ๐Ÿ




    Well, i’ve got RC1 running is my test environment. I only have some small and minor issues to iron out.

    I noticed that the Favourite/Subscribe separator doesn’t show (and both words are not seperated at all) until one of the 2 options is clicked.

    Fav Sub off

    when one of the 2 is clicked, both buttons are shown correctly

    Fav Sub clicked

    A somewhat more important issue:

    the link to the forum in the topic(s) views:

    No link

    Furthermore (and reported with the last beta), the favorite/subscribe options won’t work at all in a group (buddy press) topic.

    Group Fav Sub won't work

    However, the release seems solid ๐Ÿ™‚



    Forget the issue:

    A somewhat more important issue:

    the link to the forum in the topic(s) views:




    The Fav/Sub issues are resolved, except for the Buddypress Groups with forum. In the meantime I migrated to the production server: so far so good.



    Noticed when migrating from 2.5.12 to 2.6 beta 2 (and also in RC1 and RC3), that my custom CSS file in mytheme/css/bbpress.css is no longer being detected.




    Regarding: the subscribe (Forum) favorite/subscribe (Topic) options wonโ€™t work at all in a groupforum (buddypress) the problem seems to be the javascript: forum.js and topic.js which won’t load.



    I’ve just bumped this topic title and links to bbPress 2.6 Release Candidate 3… ๐Ÿ™‚



    @mth75 this should be fixed now, thanks to @r-a-y.



    Fixed a bunch more odds & ends.

    2.6, maybe this week?



    Thar would be great John, Thx a lot for all the good work!



    Not able to search for users after importing users and posts from Vbulletin 4.2 to bbpress 2.6RC3. I can go to the profile if I know the name.

    Imported users have not been mapped to any forum roles or site roles.

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