18 years ago
I’m having a problem with the plugin bb-ratings using 0.8
I think the problem is here:
<img src="<?php bb_option( 'uri' ); echo BBPLUGINDIR; ?>/star.gif" />
From the source code:
<img src="http://www.brightandearlyblog.com/bbPress//home/brightan/public_html/bbPress/my-plugins//star.gif" />
just hardcode it. Change BBPLUGINDIR to “/my-plugins”
That might break something else.
I’ll upload a new version.
Try this out – let me know how it goes.
Only the php file (and the readme) in the zip has changed since the last version (0.7.2).
Outstanding. Works as advertised.
Now I have to “borrow” your path structure and fix my graphic-display-ranks plugin