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Avatar Upload: Square off Avatars

  • Is it possible to “square off” avatars in the Avatar Upload plugin?

    For example, I upload a avatar thats 140×160 and the system is set to have avatars at 100×100 – it would resize the image to be 100×100, centering the image – it would cut off the rest?

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  • chrishajer


    I thought it already did that?

    Admins can configure maximum allowed file size
    (bytes) and dimensions (pixels) of images from
    within the admin page (credit: Sam Bauers).

    Images that exceed maximum dimensions are
    automatically resized (and sharpened if truecolor

    Or are you asking for it to do something different than that?

    What it does is resize it so that the larger dimension becomes 100px, and the smaller dimension becomes less than 100px proportionally.

    hostpanic, yes, it is. But it’s not a feature of the plugin right now. However the image editing code is fairly straightforward so you may want to have a look at messing around with that yourself.

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