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Avatar hovers over breadcrumbs on posts page

  • @jadamkraft


    I’d be greatly appreciative if someone could help me get to the bottom of this issue, or even start me down the road to looking in the right direction.

    The forum is organized Category > Forum > Topic > Post

    On the Post pages, on mobile devices only, an avatar appears that covers the word “Home” in the breadcrumbs. Has anyone ever seen this before?

    What I need to accomplish is to remove that image and make the avatars resize so that they work on mobile devices. I’ve found suggestions on resizing the avatars, but I haven’t been able to find any information about that bonus avatar that is appearing over my breadcrumbs. Thanks in advance!

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  • @robkk


    post a link to your website so i could take a look at it.



    Thanks for the reply! I’d love to do that, but I’ve noticed people are hesitant to post URLs because they get excessive spam.

    Is there a more secure way to get you the URL, or is that concern invalid in your experience?




    you can email me the link to your site.




    Sorry never posted the solution.

    This might be before I was even a moderator.

    But for anyone that might come across the same issue.

    This was related to an issue that happens when enabling threaded replies and some CSS that absolutely positions the author avatar.

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