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Another wp-bb-press integration snafu

  • @theoldgringo


    Just tried to integrate bbpress and wordpress, and now I can’t login to bbpress. I had two users set up in my forum — a key master and a normal user — and I’m getting responses that neither exist. I’m wondering if the problem may be related to the “Locked Out” thread of a couple of weeks back, but I’m not getting any error message when I try call the forum. But neither of my user names is recognized, and I donno how to get into admin to see if they’re still there. I’m using bbpress and 2.7 wordpress. I installed both of them separately then later tried to effect the integration; they reside in separate databases on the server (ddigger1_final and ddigger1_bbpress); bbpress is in a subdirectory of public_html, as is wordpress.

    Any suggestions on how to fix it would be appreciated. Thanks.

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  • @johnjamesjacoby


    bbPress .9 won’t integrate with WP 2.7.

    Use the alpha version and things should be okay.




    How would I reset bbpress to the non-integrated configuration?



    I’m having the same problem, but I’m using WP 2.6 and bbPress

    I installed and integrated bbPress with WP a month or so ago and everything went fine. I can’t get it working with a fresh installment.



    The bbPress 0.9* series is designed for integration with WordPress up to 2.5.1.



    @chrishajer: Do you know if the next release of bbPress will have integration with the later WP versions? I wish I’d just kept my old installation. ):



    Yes, the 1.0 branch will have integration with WordPress 2.7+

    There have been quite a few 1.o alpha releases in the past few months, but they keep changing fast and wouldn’t be suitable for a live site.

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