Adding info to Admin / User list page
I wanted all info on the admin page which lists all users, so I have edited admin-functions.php.
I thought someone may be looking to do the same , so here you are. Nothing to difficult.
Just change the function bb_user_role to something like the following:
function bb_user_row( $user_id, $role = '', $email = false ) {
$user = bb_get_user( $user_id );
$r = "t<tr id='user-$user->ID'" . get_alt_class("user-$role") . ">n";
$r .= "tt<td>$user->ID</td>n";
$r .= "tt<td>ID ) . "'>" . get_user_name( $user->ID ) . "</td>n";
if ( $email ) {
$a = bb_get_user_email( $user->ID );
$r .= "tt<td>$a</td>n";
$a = $user->user_url;
$r .= "tt<td>$a</td>n";
$a = $user->from;
$r .= "tt<td>$a</td>n";
$a = $user->occ;
$r .= "tt<td>$a</td>n";
$a = $user->interest;
$r .= "tt<td>$a</td>n";
And change function display to have somthing like this:
$r .= "<thead>n";
$r .= "t<tr>n";
$r .= "tt<th style='width:10%;'>" . __('ID') . "</th>n";
if ( $show_email ) {
$r .= "tt<th style='width:10%;'>" . __('Username') . "</th>n";
$r .= "tt<th style='width:20%;'>" . __('Email') . "</th>n";
$r .= "tt<th style='width:20%;'>" . __('Url') . "</th>n";
$r .= "tt<th style='width:10%;'>" . __('From') . "</th>n";
$r .= "tt<th style='width:10%;'>" . __('Occ') . "</th>n";
$r .= "tt<th style='width:10%;'>" . __('Interest') . "</th>n";
} else {
$r .= "tt<th style='width:60%;'>" . __('Username') . "</th>n";
$r .= "tt<th style='width:15%;'>" . __('Registered Since') . "</th>n";
$r .= "tt<th style='width:5%;'>" . __('Actions') . "</th>n";
$r .= "t</tr>n";
$r .= "</thead>nn";
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