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Add Text Above Forum on Main Page

  • @hepdoll


    Hello! I have a rather simple change to make but I’m finding myself stuck. I need to add some text above the list of forums on the main forum page – just some basic intro text. I don’t think I can do this within the WP Editor but I can’t seem to identify which file I need to edit; can someone point me in the right direction?

    Here is the forum:

    The text will go above the Forums table.

    Thanks in advance! 🙂

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  • @lynq


    Have you copied the bbPress compat theme files out of the plugin and into your WordPress theme?



    Hi Lynq,
    Thanks for your reply! I’m using a theme built for bbpress  (Bounce: so I think it comes already built into the theme.

    The theme author pointed me to this thread, which I’d found myself earlier and doesn’t seem to address the issue in my case because I don’t have a file front-page.php:

    I have asked the author to tell me what the equivalent to front-page.php is, or where I can go to find this file (I can’t find it in Appearance–>Editor or Plugins–>Editor–>bbpress) but if anyone else has ideas on how to accomplish this I’d really appreciate it because I’m not sure he really knows how to help me.

    Thanks 🙂




    Can you FTP into your wordpress site?

    Inside your theme folder do you see an extras folder? This contains my page-front-forums.php

    Good luck!



    I’m sorry for my delay in replying! I had to put this project aside briefly but now I’m back at it. I really appreciate your response – but, unfortunately, I don’t have that file or an extras folder.

    The theme author told me that it is in the bbpress folder, so I went to wp-content/plugins/bbpress and there are some files in there (bbpress.php, index.php) that may be the place to do it. I’m going to keep trying!

    Thanks again 🙂



    Did anyone help you out here?

    Have to say bbPress support is absolutely useless – It’s a pity.

    Perhaps someone could start an “unofficial” support forum where people actually do provide support other than:

    – Ignore the issue
    – Blame the issue on WordPress
    – Blame the issue on WordPress theme

    Hope someone can help with this simple request -How to insert a text (like adsense for example) above and below the forum page !!!



    I added text both above and below the forums archive list by editing the content-archive-forum.php file (after I copied it into a bbpress folder inside my theme directory).

    Either put it before the “bbpress-forums” div opens or after it closes (for before or after, respectively).



    I’ve read a lot of forums posts in bbPress and found them and the support from the community to be great.



    Hepdoll, I’m in the same boat. From looking at your linked site, it seems like you must have found a solution. Is it documented somewhere? Would very much appreciate any pointers you can provide.



    @cbsy lots of ways to achieve this – two below

    1. Look in

    Dashboard>settings>forums>Forum Root slug, and see what ‘forum root’ is set to

    The create a page with this name on it – so title the page this

    The in that page write whatever intro you want, and then put

    [bbp-forum-index] at the bottom of the content

    bbpress will then use this page as your forum root.


    Add the following to your functions file

    add_action ('bbp_template_before_forums_index' , 'my_intro' ) ;
    Function my_intro () {
    Echo '<div class="entry-content"> Here is my intro text. This is lots of writing to introduce the forums and make people read this stuff </div>' ;

    Functions files and child themes – explained !

    If you hit prolems or need further help, just come back !



    Thanks for the quick reply! I will give that a shot.



    Hi !
    hepdoll said (some times ago) that she couldn’t find page-front-forums.php file.
    I like bbPress, also Markdown Editor I’m using (WP plugin named : “WP-Markdown”, produced by Stephen Harris, as I saw there…). BUT I have problems with both bbPress and Markdown.

    It’s too chaotic there, hard to customize…
    (.. Now I’m writing here … Brrr, how ugly it is, and how slow the writing is)

    WELL, I give the path @hepdoll .. and others, and there one can modify.
    Suppose the WP blog is installed in folder BLOG and the “theme folder” (as it is written above in a comment) is named TH. Well, TH is useless here. So, the path :
    ../BLOG/wp-content/plugins/bbpress/templates/default/extras/ and here are those files…

    (Concerning Markdown, it’s SOOOOO difficult to modify. I’m “jealous” on those from SO = StackOverflow, who managed so well with their Markdown … and their Instant Preview show also Math formulas written in Latex (using MathJax), also instantly…)



    @julianms so your issue is its hard to customize the Markdown plugin??

    and you tried to see if you could customize it in the bbPress templates??

    and you want to use Latex language in bbPress , i can test out some plugins in a minute and see how that works out.

    but yeah the first two questions i’m not sure i had right it was pretty hard following your reply, you put a lot of personality in it.



    Just to add the function @Robin W offers still works… I added span style to the text to tweak it…

    It also works this way for text after on the forum list page:

    add_action ('bbp_template_after_forums_index' , 'follow_up' ) ;
    Function follow_up () {
    Echo '<div class="entry-content"><span style="color: #666666;">Here is my followup text.</span></div>' ;
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