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Add forum subscribe link to another location

  • @newtech1


    I run a Fishing Club Paid Membership web site. One of the features is we offer a Fishing Report Forum. All our club members are Fishing Report Forum users. I would like to be able to add a subscribe link to my Fishing Report Forum on various pages of my website. Is that feasible by some kind of code?

    Take note: We do not allow comments on topics so no need for a subscribe link for topics. But I would like to have a Forum Subscribe Link on the topic page. What code would I use?

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  • @robin-w


    sorry, weekend and other things got in the way, but I have been playing with this.

    Try :

    add_shortcode ('bbp-forum-subscription-link' , 'rew_forum_subscription_link' ) ;
    function rew_forum_subscription_link ($atts) {
    	$args = array() ;
    	if (empty ($atts['forum'])) return ;
    	$args['object_id'] = $atts['forum'] ;
    	if (!empty ($atts['subscribe'])) $args['subscribe'] = $atts['subscribe'];
    	if (!empty ($atts['unsubscribe'])) $args['unsubscribe'] = $atts['unsubscribe'];
    	return bbp_get_forum_subscription_link ($args) ;

    and then put this wherever it want it to appear

    [bbp-forum-subscription-link forum="2927" subscribe="Subscribe to Fishing Report" unsubscribe="Unsubscribe to Fishing Report" ]

    with the forum number and whatever wording you want



    So where does the “add_shortcode )’… go?



    Put this in your child theme’s function file –

    ie wp-content/themes/%your-theme-name%/functions.php

    where %your-theme-name% is the name of your theme

    or use

    Code Snippets

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