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About Freshness

  • @eddyshi



    Why is the topic delivered time show a year ago?


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  • @eddyshi


    help me,please~



    You have to set the time clock correctly in config.php. You need to set the time difference between Greenwich mean time and the time zone of the location of your server. One way to do this is to go to the following website:

    The above link will take you to a page on which they show the time difference between Greenwich mean time and New York time. On the webpage, it shows:

    Standard time zone: UTC/GMT -5 hours

    Daylight saving time: +1 hour

    Current time zone offset: UTC/GMT -4 hours

    Which means that normally there is a -5 hour difference but now because of daylight savings time in New York, there is a -4 hour difference.

    So then, I go into config.php and enter -4 in the following section:

    // Your timezone offset. Example: -7 for Pacific Daylight Time.

    $bb->gmt_offset = -4;

    Save the modified config.php file and upload it to your server.

    OK, that is what you should do, but of course, check the actual time difference to the location of your server (mine is in New York, but yours probably is not).



    thanks your reply ^_^



    I tried this and it still hasn’t fixed the board. The post time show up correctly, but I still get -1 years.



    I know it sounds silly but just try different hous until one works. For example try -1, then -2 etc. That’s what I had to do. Fortunately I only needed -7.

    Hope that helps.



    That doesn’t help… when I do that… then every time stamp on a post shows up incorrectly. As it stands now, when I post something… the time stamp is correct. But when you look at an overview of the forms… it says -1 year. Yes trying different hours works, but then you don’t get a correct timestamp for the post.

    I think this is a bug possibly relating to the server time, GMT, and GMT -X that you specify in the config file.



    I have this same problem. I’m in the central time zone, and have this as my offsest:

    $bb->gmt_offset = -5;

    Still get -1 year for freshness.



    Hmm, I’ve messed around with my settings, using different numbers and still cannot seem to get it to work. All new threads show up with -1 freshness.

    Any ideas?



    I am also having the same problem. How can we fix it.



    I’ve just installed bbpress and have the same problem – my posts were all -1years “freshness”

    I figured out that I needed to configure the config.php with my server time and not my local time. My server runs on PDT, which is 7 hours behind my physical location (on BST, shortly to be GMT). So now my “freshness” is correct, but all my post times are wrong. I’d like to see a mod that allows the user to define their local time zone and operate independently of the board’s installation location.

    Apart from that – bbpress looks great and I love the freshness of it after the clutter of phpBB.




    We’ve installed bbPress in our WordPress Turkey Forums instead of phpBB.

    Now, we have the same problem..

    Our server’s time is GMT -8 and our country’s (Turkey) time is GMT +2

    When we set $bb->gmt_offset = -8; (server’s local time)

    Frehness is ok on main page. But topics’ and posts’ times are wrong now.

    When we set $bb->gmt_offset = +2; (Turkey’s local time)

    Freshness is not ok, (seems like -1 years) but topics’ and posts’ times are correct now.

    How can we fix it?



    To get mine working, I had to find out which city my host was in, or their server rather.. Then get the time for that “city/location” … Of course.. you *might* have to do the time saving thing with it, but..I didn’t.. and it’s working lol!

    Go here:

    See what City your host’s in, or near.. and use the time close to them.. I guess. Good luck!




    It is a catch22 unfortunetely. Until something is written for users defining their own timezones, you have to weight which is more important to you, proper post times for a particular timezone or having all work off the server time. As most functions for bbPress are off the server time, I recommend that myself. I am lucky I host in my timezone….





    The problem is that we have 10 hours of difference with our server. :)



    I hope there is a solution/workaround soon…

    My server is in Dallas, I am in London right now, and my users are all over Asia in 3 different time zones :)



    I wrote a quick plugin to correct this it is at

    you will need to edit

    to find the right number for your offset



    to find the right number for your offset


    to find the right number for your offset



    So, using this, the original config.php is set to the server offset from GMT, and then this $hours is set to … what? I am one hour off from my server (server is GMT -0500, I am GMT -0600) and my config.php is set to -5. What would I set $hours to? My freshness display is accurate now, but my post times are off an hour (they show server time, so an hour later in my case) and my search results show GMT all the time (which is likely another issue altogether.)




    I have not really investigated the what problem in the code is so I am not sure what things should be set to. I set my GMT offset to to get right (+9) and my posts started showing right then changed $hours around until I got freshness right in my case it was -18, but all I can suggest is get the post time right by changing $bb->gmt_offset and then use $hours to bring freshness time into line. This plugin is really only a tempory fix till later beta version bbpress fixes the code properly.



    OK – thanks. My freshness is accurate, so I won’t mess with it I don’t think. I can wait. It’s only an hour.

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