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a way to check for subforums

  • @matax91


    I was going to use the psudo class :before to add a little image next to the links of forums that had subforums in them, but then I realized that bbpress doesn’t add any specific class to these forum links.

    Is there a way to add a class to just the forums that have subforums in them so that I can add this little image to those links?

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  • @matax91


    if one of the devs could look at this and see if there is a way to do this?



    No reason you shouldn’t be able to single out the container for each forum, and do it that way?



    I didn’t ee any specific class but I’ll look again, or are you saying there is a way with PHP?



    No I don’t see anything, essentially what I want to be able to do is on the main list of forums, have each forum link that has sub-forums in it have a specific class on it, so I can single that out with css and use styling the show that that forum has sub-forums in it.

    Like they do here…

    All the forum names that have that little symbol next to it have sub-forums in them. That is exactly what I want to do with my bbpress forum



    Added and fixed in:

    Will be in bbPress 2.1. Thanks for the recommendation!



    so is there a way for me to download the files that add that functionality into 2.1, I have the dev version of it



    However you did it originally. You’ll have an easier time running it directly from a Subversion checkout. If you’re unfamiliar, a Google search should return tons of good results on how to do this. Makes the life of running bleeding edge code much easier.



    it says access is forbidden in tortoisesvn?

    never mind



    Does that mean you got it figured out?



    yes I did but I’m having some weird problems with the layout, might be my error, I’ll do some more testing first before I make a new post about it.

    Thanks John!



    Cool. Good luck!



    am I missing something here, I fixed the error I stated above but I don’t see any class on the forums that contain subforums, and I did the sub-version thing with the latest version. Is there something I need to add somewhere?



    so did I do something wrong when I checked out the latest using my svn thing?



    You’ve fixed this, marking resolved :)

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