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_oembed_ good or bad ?

  • @clivesmith



    I was just looking at my meta post table and I have found some records with _oembed_2e8711f888cd3c30d8e…… {{unknown}} in it.
    I have found that if I embed videos into a post I would expect this, but I don’t, I don’t put links into my site at all. So does anyone know why I might have them ?, should I worry about them ?, should I delete those records?


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  • @clivesmith


    I have been deleting these, in the past 3 weeks over 900 records have been created in my metapost table. anyone know why ?



    Hmm…well, I don’t think it’s anything nefarious.

    WordPress is testing to see if any URLs inside those posts point to content that can be embedded and—though in your case I’m guessing that mostly is not the case, because it sounds like the result is mostly {{unknown}}—it then caches the result of its tests for better efficiency.

    If you don’t need or want this, you can disable it. I haven’t needed to do this and so have not tried any of the following guides myself, but perhaps they’ll be useful to you:



    Hi Barry,

    That’s great thank you.





    Sorry but just to continue this, I have been looking at the “odd” records with _oembed in the postmeta table, I am concerned that some of these are left over records from spam here is the contents of one.

       <blockquote>      <a href="">How To Get Fortnite Skin FREE - FREE Fortnite Berserker Skin</a> from      <a href="">FortniteBattleRoyale</a>    </blockquote>    <script async src="" charset="UTF-8"></script>

    why is this being left behind when I delete the spam reply ?



    Hmm, not sure.

    Do you know that the corresponding post has truly been deleted (as opposed to sitting in spam/trash, awaiting final clean up)?




    It has been deleted, in the meta table the only entry next to it is another oem…




    When I said in the post above it has been deleted I meant the corresponding post has been deleted, the entry in postmeta is still there.

    I am not convinced that much cleanup happens, I have also notices that if I just go into Appearance / menus it creates draft posts with a post_type nav_menu_item and the following in postmeta
    _menu_item_type post_type
    _menu_item_menu_item_parent O
    _menu_item_object_id S
    _menu_item_object page
    _menu_item_classes a:1:{i:O;s:O:’”’;}
    menu item xfn
    menu item un
    _menu_item_orphaned 1559640252

    when do these get deleted ?



    sorry, I don’t like to bump but any comments on this please



    These are good questions but it might be this (the bbPress support forum) is the wrong place to ask them; if some of the entries you cited are coming from the menu editor, for example, and if the oembed meta is hanging around in relation to more than just forum posts, possibly it makes sense to take this to the WordPress forums?

    I’m only suggesting this because it would potentially widen the pool of people who can offer up ideas 🙂

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