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1.0alpha versions, is it possible to use a language file after deep integration?

  • @ganzua


    I tried to use an old language file after 1.04a-2.7 deep integration but it didn’t load. I changed define(‘BB_LANG’, ”) in config.php and copied the old .mo file to bb-includes/languages.

    Is it possible to use a language file after deep integration?

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  • @sambauers


    It should be possible to load both language files, in fact some changes were made to WordPress to address the problem specifically.

    Can you link to the language files you were trying to use?

    * Side note: We should probably move where languages are stored. A my-languages directory would probably be the way to go.



    Hi Sam! thanks for your answer;

    A my-languages directory would probably be the way to go.

    Well, then bb-config.php needs to have last lines changed :-) ;

    // Change this to localize bbPress.  A corresponding MO file for the
    // chosen language must be installed to bb-includes/languages.
    // For example, install to bb-includes/languages and set BB_LANG to 'de'
    // to enable German language support.
    define('BB_LANG', '');

    I tried a my-languages and a bb-languages folder but no way.

    Can you link to the language files you were trying to use?

    I had an old .mo file stored in my hard drive. I think it was for bbpress 0.7 or a previous version, not sure.



    Just remembered, if WordPress is loaded then bbPress relies on the setting of WPLANG in WordPress to determine which language to use.

    This will all probably require some more work.



    Ok, thanks :)

    and does bbpress use wp language file or do you need to have a separated .mo for bbpress? if so, inside what folder? bb-includes/languages?



    Sorry, I answer to my own quistion; :)

    After deep integration bbpress uses wp language file, I just cheked it. I think this way is better because then you don’t need to load two language files.



    * Side note: We should probably move where languages are stored. A my-languages directory would probably be the way to go.

    Double-plus side note: as the my-whatever folders multiply there should be a tidier container for all this, just like wp-content.







    Ehhhh. Languages (i.e. translations) should be added to trunk IMO.



    Leaving the folders where they are is actually easier programatically, and almost as tidy (they all turn up together alphabetically). I also think it’s easier to explain. So I’m not really convinced to throw them all into one folder, as satisfying as that may be.

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