Actually I totally got it 
I think bbPress is getting easier to use in later iterations or something (I wouldn’t want to attribute it to my skillful coding).
It’s in a dev environment or I would shoot you guy the URL to check it out….
Glad I went this route from the onset versus other choices to persue.
I want in on this discussion too.
I haven’t used bbPress before but I am ramping up fast on it as I have a big project with it.
I am gathering the the only way to combine posts and the forum is through forum topics is this correct?
So then (if it is correct) I can assume that forum topics are a custom post type and that I can then display forum topics alongside other posts in the blog yeah ?
The essential idea is to have a registered user be able to create a topic.. which becomes a regular post in the blog (I know I will have to do a little tweaking to get the topics to appear as posts) but that is no the main idea, the main idea is for the reg user to create this topic then other members of the forum discuss this topic.
Conversely, the system admin might create a post .. that the admin wants discussed in the forum .. so I am hoping that these two can intermingle like this ..