Piani (@webbmasterpianise)

Forum Replies Created

Viewing 7 replies - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)
  • @webbmasterpianise


    Thanks for the tip! Problem solved 🙂

    I also found this code to put in my custom functions.php to to solve this withouth the extra plugin.

    function fix_auto_subscribe( $checked, $topic_subscribed  ) {
        if( $topic_subscribed == 0 )
            $topic_subscribed = true;
        return checked( $topic_subscribed, true, false );
    add_filter( 'bbp_get_form_topic_subscribed', 'fix_auto_subscribe', 10, 2 );
    In reply to: Avatars in widget 2012



    Found the sollution. There is an option in the widgets that needs to be set again when changing to twenty twelve. In both widgets there is an option for “Show author”. With that set it works as intended. Just remember to set it again when changing theme. 🙂



    I havent tested any of the siggestions below. But you can play around with changes as example and change parameters:

    #bbpress-forums div.bbp-forum-title h3,
    	font-size: 30px;
    	color: #CC00CC;

    ….ad this as as separate controls in the code above.

    Find colors that you want at: http://www.w3schools.com/tags/ref_colorpicker.asp

    You dont need uch change. Just add controls on the text types you want to change woth an } to close the code.



    I think I have the same issue here. Strange that the topics is not sorted by #ID ?

    Topic 1 last 3 replies:
    2014-04-01 kl. 21:17 #395
    2014-04-02 kl. 18:40 #445
    2014-04-01 kl. 22:31 #402

    Topic 2 last 3 replies:
    2014-04-01 kl. 13:32 #389
    2014-04-02 kl. 18:22 #443
    2014-04-01 kl. 22:43 #404

    WordPress Versions eg. 3.8.1
    bbPress Version eg. 2.5.3
    Operating System eg. Linux (Debian)
    Web Server eg. Apache
    Theme eg. Techism
    PHP Version eg. 5.3.28

    I can confirm that George Stephanis sollution to deactivating threaded replies in settings solved the problem.

    In reply to: Display index + topics



    Tnx for the tips. I will play around with those shortcodes 🙂



    Tnx for a fast answer where to look!

    In reply to: Display index + topics



    I understand the dilemma that can occur when more topics are made. But maby list the lastes 5-10 post under each forum like the function for [bbp-topic-index]

    Now I first display:
    and below that:

    And this makes no sence for me. It would help to integrate them is nome way I think.

Viewing 7 replies - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)