Touda (@touda)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @touda



    Deactivated Role Editor plugin.

    Installed and activated Members plugin:

    (Permissions changed with Role Editor remained.)

    Added, for Author role, with Members plugin, the following permission:


    That seemed to do the trick. Hope this helps other people with the same problem while bbPress developers don’t fix the bug.



    I’ve also tried changing all those permissions at the general Author role, but still no effect at all.



    I’ve tried workaround suggested by @mjpg but it’s had no effect at all!

    I’ve edit role for one of the users, with general Author and bbPress Participant roles. Then activated:


    And it had no effect: topics inside private forums remained invisible for that user!

    Than I tried and activated also, in the main roles section, the following:


    And, still no effect!




    I’m having a similar problem. And I must tell Andre that, yes, it seems a bug and is not intended to be that way. As you can read at they are supposed to read private forums. My private users (with participant role) can see the private forums and navigate through them and their sub-forums, but all topics (on private forums and also on private sub-forums inside private forums) there is a message that no topic has been found. If I just give them upper permissions (Moderator), then they can see all the topics on these forums and alos reply, etc.

    So I think it’s truely a bug. Strange to me that it’s been around for some months without being fixed 🙁

    BTW, I’m using bbPress as a plugin within a WP installation.



    After some tests, I tried to deactivate one-by-one the last plugins I’ve installed. And after deactivating Google Anlytics by Yoast, it made the trick!

    Forums are back now! All are listed. Widget is back on all the pages, I can reply and create topics… I hope this helps other people. This plugin seems to be incompatible with bbPress plugin!



    I made another test trying to create a new topic (thread) from the form under the listing given by [bbp-singl-forum id=6] and it give me back the following error:

    ERROR: No tienes permisos para crear nuevos hilos.

    Which is Spanish for You do not have permission to create new topics.

    In reply to: Permissions Problems



    No answer to this problem yet? I suddenly found the same problem. Besides I have the “ERROR: This forum is private and you do not have the capability to read or create new replies in it.” but the strange thing is that I’m logged in as Keymaster :-/

    Additionally I got issues with URLs because URLs for forums give a 404 error but URLs for topics do not :-/

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