toregustafson (@toregustafson)

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  • @toregustafson


    If the only issue were updating the cache when edits were made last mod date would work, but the issue I’m having is the login box still appearing on cached pages after logging in. This makes it look like the login didn’t work even though it did (refresh the page and all is good again). Maybe I could append something to style.css only if the user is logged in allowing caching to work otherwise, although the whole thing still makes me feel dirty.

    I think it’s odd that more people don’t seem to be having this problem which makes me think there is something unusual in header information provided by the server to Firefox or like _ck_ said some aggressive server side caching that somehow only Firefox is picking up on.



    Well on further consideration I looked at the source on this forum and noticed they are placing a random number to the end of the style sheet. Notice what is currently line 5 of the source of this page:

    <link rel=”stylesheet” href=”; type=”text/css” />

    So, I decided the developers had the same difficulties with FF3.0. I tried the same thing myself and I can now log in perfect now, so I guess that is the fix. I would still love to hear from anyone else if they’ve had this issue as well though.



    Thanks Ipstenu, I was not aware of this issue in Firefox, presumably because I hadn’t upgraded until recently. The link you sent refers primarily to cache issues posing problems for developers trying to see updates–I’m surprised this issue doesn’t cause problems for more sites that require login for full access to content, like any forum software. If Firefox caching pages and not refreshing is causing this problem it seems this must be happening to the bbpress community at large. Is this something other BBPress folks are having issues with?



    I’m currently experiencing this same issue, i know this post is 1 year old, but this is the only place i’ve seen anyone talk about this. Did anyone ever figure out what is going on? The notion that is a problem between the server and FF sounds about right, but not sure where to start looking for a solution.

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