thenokiablog (@thenokiablog)

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  • @thenokiablog



    I checked all my settings again and it looked like I did not put in my define(‘LOGGED_IN_KEY’, on bbconfig.php. That is now fixed and running smoothly.

    Haven’t found problems logging in/out either bbpress or wordpress. Thanks sam.

    Question: what is define(‘BB_NONCE_KEY’, ”); on the bb-config file? It is currently empty and don’t remember having it on 1.0a2.



    updated to 1.0a4 and installed the wordpress plugin. Here is the issue i found:

    if i login to wordpress, i still need to log in to bbpress.


    if i login in bbpress, it logs me into wordpress too.

    And another issue:

    If I login to bbpress, I can’t log OUT of wordpress. I see this WordPress failure Notice:

    — You are attempting to log out of **blog title**Please try again.



    i currently have an installation of wordpress 2.6.5 integrated with bbpress 1.0a2. I want to update to wordpress 2.7 but I think it will break the integration.

    To my understanding, 1.0a3 will integrate with wordpress 2.7?

    Is this what I need to do?

    Step 1. Update WP from 2.6.5 to 2.7

    Step 2. Update BB from 1.0a2 to 1.0a3

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