tcarr184 (@tcarr184)

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  • @tcarr184


    Kevin, thank you. Interesting way to ask that question…

    I am looking at the backend and at the files and I am pretty sure it is bbpress. Otherwise how would the default template from bbpress run on the site?

    Why would the link in the footer bring me to this site if it was the buddypress version?

    “Unfiltered MMA is proudly powered by bbPress.”

    Thats interesting.

    Maybe all this time I have had the wrong software going… Still interesting that BBPress is able to get the user info from wordpress but just not able to activate the members.




    I did as you requested and here is another thing that has me confused. The users are not in the list. If I search for users it will not find them. I can scroll through the list and find them but that is a pain with so many users.

    Also if I try to sort by role it will tell me “No matching users were found!”

    After going through the list you are correct they are not active. Does this meant that I have to activate every user individually? I would like it so that people that register on either bbpress or wordpress become members by clicking the link in an email and I don’t have to do them all manually.




    kevin, I am using Buddypress, WordPressMU, and BBPress. I wish I could take credit for getting it working but I cannot I had someone else do it.

    They all interact and I think that buddypress is the thing that bridges wpmu and bbpress but don’t quote me on that.



    I switched back to the default theme in hopes that would solve the issue but have had no luck. After I get this figured out I intend to switch themes but my thinking this would be easier to resolve with the default theme in place and I have not made any edits to it yet.



    Thank you for getting the help.

    The admin account and some other users can post but some cannot. I tried creating a test account and when I go into post there isn’t a box to type in.

    I took a screen shot.

    If I log in as the admin then I do get a reply box.

    I have tested in chrome, firefox, and IE and it is the same in them all.

    Here are the plug ins I have active on BBPress.

    Hello Louie

    Human Test for bbPress*

    Google Analitycs*

    BuddyPress Support Plugin*

    Bozo Users

    BB Wysiwyg Editor*

    BBcode Lite*

    Allow Images *


    AdSense for bbPress *

    * = active

    Finally, Yes this is integrated with WordPressMU. The users can log in and authenticate but they cannot post replies or create posts? I’m sure this is really simple but I just can’t figure it out.

    Thank you



    Can you tell us what file you missed? I have a similar issue but I don’t even know what file to look for.


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