stewmills (@stewmills)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @stewmills


    Thank you kindly, Pascal!

    The links I would like removed are listed in two separate posts as follows. Note that I have edited the actual link data in my note below so I don’t create yet another link here, but you can easily identify the links in my posts per the information I am providing below:

    topic link 1:
    Link to remove 1: http://www.cyt*****.com/user*****/

    topic link 2:
    Link to remove 2.1: http://www.cyt*****.com/for**/
    Link to remove 2.2: http://www.cyt*****.com/for***/forum/regist******-instru******-and-fo***-guide*****/

    Thank you!




    Did you receive the previous post with the data or do I need to resubmit? It had several links and I only assumed that it was suspended for moderator approval due to the links.

    Please advise. Thanks!



    To the best of my memory, I added the below to my themes’s child functions.php file to disable the “forums” breadcrumb that links back to the “forums” page that does not include the sidebar. NOTE that I am not a developer and got the below from this forum somewhere last year so use at your discretion. If you crash your site, I accept no responsibility!!

    function rkk_custom_bbpbreadcrumbs() {
    // Remove Forum root from bbPress breadcrumbs
    $args[‘include_root’] = false;
    return $args;

    add_filter(‘bbp_before_get_breadcrumb_parse_args’, ‘rkk_custom_bbpbreadcrumbs’);



    FYI – I sent a post earlier today with the info, but it must be pending approval due to the multiple links in the post.



    Tried the CSS route and could not get it to work.

    So, in looking at Robin W suggestion I could not locate the exact section to wrap. I could not locate <div class=”header-area”> with a closing of </div>. Here is what I have (starting with the body section of my page code)

    <body <?php body_class(); ?>>
    <?php if ( 'true' == $boxedlayout ) {echo '<div id="tt-boxed-layout">';}else{echo '<div id="tt-wide-layout">';} ?>
    <div id="wrapper" <?php if (is_page_template('template-homepage-3D.php') || is_page_template('template-homepage-jquery-2.php')) {echo 'class="big-banner"';} ?>>
    <div id="header" <?php if (is_page_template('template-homepage-3D.php')){echo "style='height: 560px;'";} ?>>
    // show the toolbar if selected by the user :
    if ($ka_toolbar == "true"): 
    <div class="top-block">
    <div class="top-holder">
      <?php truethemes_before_top_toolbar_menu_hook();// action hook, see truethemes_framework/global/hooks.php ?>
      <?php if(has_nav_menu('Top Toolbar Navigation')): ?>
      <div class="toolbar-left">  
      <?php wp_nav_menu(array('theme_location' => 'Top Toolbar Navigation' , 'depth' => 0 , 'container' =>false )); ?>
      </div><!-- end toolbar-left -->
      //if top toolbar menu not set, we show dynamic sidebar  
      <div class="toolbar-left">  
      <ul><?php dynamic_sidebar("Toolbar - Left Side"); ?></ul>
      </div><!-- end toolbar-left -->
      <?php endif; ?>
      <?php if(is_active_sidebar(2)): ?>
      <div class="toolbar-right">
      <?php dynamic_sidebar("Toolbar - Right Side"); ?>
      </div><!-- end toolbar-right -->
      <?php endif; ?>
    <?php truethemes_after_top_toolbar_menu_hook();// action hook, see truethemes_framework/global/hooks.php ?>
    </div><!-- end top-holder -->
    </div><!-- end top-block -->
    <?php endif; //end if($toolbar == 'true') ?>
    <?php truethemes_before_header_holder_hook();// action hook, see truethemes_framework/global/hooks.php ?>
    <div class="header-holder">
    <div class="rays">
    <div class="header-area<?php if (is_search()) {echo ' search-header';} ?><?php if (is_404()) {echo ' error-header';} ?><?php if (is_page_template('template_sitemap.php')) {echo ' search-header';} ?>">
    <?php // Website Logo
    if ($ka_logo_text == ''){
    <a href="<?php echo home_url(); ?>" class="logo"><img src="<?php echo $ka_sitelogo; ?>" alt="<?php bloginfo('name'); ?>" /></a>
    <?php }else{?>
    <a href="<?php echo home_url(); ?>" class="custom-logo"><img src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/images/_global/<?php echo $ka_logo_icon; ?>" alt="<?php bloginfo('name'); ?>" /><span class="logo-text"><?php echo $ka_logo_text; echo '</span></a>';}?>
    <?php truethemes_before_primary_navigation_hook();// action hook, see truethemes_framework/global/hooks.php ?>
    <?php if(has_nav_menu('Primary Navigation')): ?>
    <ul id="menu-main-nav">
    <?php wp_nav_menu(array('theme_location' => 'Primary Navigation' , 'depth' => 0 , 'container' =>false , 'walker' => new description_walker() )); ?>
    <?php endif; ?>
    <?php truethemes_after_primary_navigation_hook();// action hook, see truethemes_framework/global/hooks.php ?>




    I feel like I am hitting a brick wall. I have tried to reach out to the theme author (Karma) and can’t get anywhere. Since our theme was purchased many years ago via persons that aren’t currently involved I don’t have the purchase info. I think in fact it was a development company that later turned it over to my company. Anyhow, in trying to get access to a Karma forum via Themeforest/envatomarket it tells me I can’t set up a technical support/request account because I am not a customer (I guess because my email address doesn’t match something). I know this is not a bbPress issue, but just a synopsis of where I am. I am stuck!

    My forum is pretty well buttoned up and ready to launch EXCEPT with this new topic issue. I apologize for asking this here but I can’t see a PM option on this site, but is it appropriate of me to ask if you can offer support for a fee if you think you can help me resolve this with a little coding?

    ? I am open for suggestions…I just hate to have gotten to this point and be hung on this issue right at the end.

    Thanks in advance!



    Unfortunately that didn’t work. I switched the code and while it still included a sidebar with stuff, it was a sidebar with all sorts of crazy stuff about a page long.

    So, I acted as if I was starting over and I copied my page.php file and resaved it as bbpress.php in my main theme folder. The result of this was a page with no sidebar anywhere in my forum since this template does not include any sidebar info.

    So do I:
    a) keep the page.php file that I renamed to bbpress.php and just add some code (I would need directions) to include the sidebar on all bbpress pages.
    b) revert back to my previous page an keep troubleshooting this issue with the page template that i know works aside from the topics page.

    Here is the code from the page.php page that I renamed to bbpress.php, which looks great but does not display my sidebar on any forum page.

    <?php get_header(); ?>
    // check for WooCommerce. If true, load WooCommerce custom layout
    if (class_exists('woocommerce') && ((is_woocommerce() == "true") || (is_checkout() == "true") || (is_cart() == "true") || (is_account_page() == "true") )){ ?>
    </div><!-- header-area -->
    </div><!-- end rays -->
    </div><!-- end header-holder -->
    </div><!-- end header -->
    <?php truethemes_before_main_hook(); //action hook ?>
    <div id="main" class="tt-woocommerce">
    <?php get_template_part('theme-template-part-tools-woocommerce','childtheme'); ?>
    <div class="main-holder">
    <div id="content">
    <?php if(have_posts()) : while(have_posts()) : the_post(); the_content(); truethemes_link_pages(); endwhile; endif; 
    comments_template('/page-comments.php', true); ?>
    </div><!-- end content -->
    <div id="sidebar" class="right_sidebar">
    		if ( (is_cart() == "true") || (is_checkout() == "true") ) {
    			dynamic_sidebar("WooCommerce - Cart + Checkout");
    		} else {
    			dynamic_sidebar("WooCommerce Sidebar");
    </div><!-- end sidebar -->
    </div><!-- end main-holder -->
    </div><!-- main-area -->
      <?php // ELSE load default layout
      } else { ?>
    </div><!-- header-area -->
    </div><!-- end rays -->
    </div><!-- end header-holder -->
    </div><!-- end header -->
    <?php truethemes_before_main_hook();// action hook, see truethemes_framework/global/hooks.php ?>
    <div id="main">
    <?php get_template_part('theme-template-part-tools','childtheme'); ?>
    <div class="main-holder">
    <div id="content" class="content_full_width">
    <?php if(have_posts()) : while(have_posts()) : the_post(); the_content(); truethemes_link_pages(); endwhile; endif; 
    comments_template('/page-comments.php', true);
    get_template_part('theme-template-part-inline-editing','childtheme'); ?>
    </div><!-- end content -->
    </div><!-- end main-holder -->
    </div><!-- main-area -->
      <?php // END WooCommerce loop
      } ?>
    <?php get_footer(); ?>




    Ok, so the code above is from your page.php file saved as bbpress.php in your theme – yes?

    NO, and that may be the issue? What I did is copy one of my other theme pages that I know included a sidebar, let’s just call it “page-with-leftsidebar.php”. I copied this page into my child folder and renamed it bbPress.php and that’s the code I posted above.

    I can gladly try your suggestion above, but could it be that I used the wrong page to create my bbPress.php file? I did install the “What The File” plugin and when I look at what page my forum points to, including new topics, they all show bbpress.php as the main page with other things listed in the Template Parts section.

    Anyhow…let me try your suggestion above with that piece of code and report back before i have you on an wild goose chase for no reason.

    Thanks!!! Will report back shortly.



    Oh…and about full page, I think the answer is NO. I get all of my other headers and footers, just missing the sidebar. The “blank space” where it goes is still there, it just does not display.



    Robin (thanks for always coming to my rescue),

    Everything on the page is good except the sidebar is missing. I can add it via dashboard if I edit the topic, but I cannot do this every time someone posts a new topic. All other pages have the sidebar.

    I tried to move my bbpress.php to the main theme directory to ensure that it was picking up this page before any other page and that changed nothing. I then thought maybe there was code in my page.php file from the initial load of bbpress that it might be looking for so I copied the page.php file from my theme and resaved it as bbpress.php and still no difference.

    I don’t really care that my forum is exactly like the layout of my other site pages so I am ok with some variation. My only requirements would be that (1) I can keep the header menu for navigation back to my main site and (2) I have the sidebar on any bbpress forum pages, specifically new topics in this situation.

    Forgive me for rambling, just trying to offer what I have tried and as well my flexibility.

    Would it be better for me to just make a new page template and tell it to pull in the sidebar on all pages versus using a template from the theme that included a sidebar?

    I am open to suggestions, but might need to be spoon fed a little to ensure I am following all of the appropriate steps.

    Many thanks!



    Thanks Robin! At my present state of bbpress experience this may be a bit over my head. I made a list of the forum pages in my sidebar as well as a link to Forum Home and will just use that as the way back to the forum main page. Maybe as I get more experience I will come back and revisit this later.



    Just to throw this out as i am thinking out loud…Is it because I don’t have something set right in my child theme where this topic page is picking up a primary theme page instead of picking up the bbpress.php page. I read where bbpress “looks” for the list of pages and grabs the first one it sees in the list, but also understood that if I created this bbpress.php in my child theme that bbpress would know to bypass the other options and always use the bbpress.php template.




    I am afraid I am doing something wrong with pastebin. What about this:

    Template Name: bbPress
    <?php get_header(); ?>
    </div><!– header-area –>
    </div><!– end rays –>
    </div><!– end header-holder –>
    </div><!– end header –>

    <?php truethemes_before_main_hook();// action hook, see truethemes_framework/global/hooks.php ?>

    <div id=”main”>
    <?php get_template_part(‘theme-template-part-tools’,’childtheme’); ?>

    <div class=”main-holder”>
    //retrieve value for sub-nav checkbox
    global $post;
    $post_id = $post->ID;
    $meta_value = get_post_meta($post_id,’truethemes_page_checkbox’,true);

    // do nothing

    <div id=”content” class=”content_left_sidebar”>
    <?php if(have_posts()) : while(have_posts()) : the_post(); the_content(); truethemes_link_pages(); endwhile; endif;
    comments_template(‘/page-comments.php’, true);
    get_template_part(‘theme-template-part-inline-editing’,’childtheme’); ?>
    </div><!– end content –>

    <div id=”sidebar” class=”left_sidebar”>
    <?php generated_dynamic_sidebar(); ?>
    </div><!– end sidebar –>
    </div><!– end main-holder –>
    </div><!– main-area –>

    <?php get_footer(); ?>



    Thanks for offering to look/help. I am using pastebin for the first time so bear with me if this doesn’t work correctly the first try:

    <iframe src=”//″ style=”border:none;width:100%”></iframe>



    Thank you, Robin. I am looking into the test site option and I agree, that will give me more confidence in my learning and testing our new configurations.



    I temporarily solved my problem by installing this widget, as I just got FTP access today and have not attempted to follow other options via creating a bbPress.php page, etc.

    Here’s the plugin:

    You can edit it and configure 4 different places that it shows up, but it’s not in the plugin options, you have to “edit” the plugin and you’ll see the code that designates what shows up where, such as this:



    Thanks, @robin-w. I feared that my most viable option was to get into the .php pages and so forth. I am working on getting the root access to the site (I can get it, just didn’t ask for it yet) so maybe in the coming weeks I can start educating myself and follow your guidance.

    At least there is some comfort knowing that I am not just missing something obvious.


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