sheatsb (@sheatsb)

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  • @sheatsb



    Nope, no email. They make you have to go through facebook if you want to contact a user, so any email notifications plugins you might be using would be rendered useless.

    Actually, that’s not true. You can collect a proxy email that goes directly to the person’s inbox and can be sent using your app.

    Facebook Developers – Proxied Email




    That’s how the plugins operate. WP user is created when logged in w/Facebook, so when used with an integrated bbPress, the cookie would carry over, and the user should too.

    Integrating Facebook Connect w/ bbPress or WordPress, IMO, is incredibly more significant than OpenID ever was. Most of my users had no idea what it was when we used it for logins, didn’t think the redirect was safe, and thought it was way more work than needed, but when we put Facebook Connect up, registrations and comments went up. It’s easier to tell someone that they can login using something they use frequently as opposed to explaining how/what OpenID is. Facebook seems more usable.

    In reply to: bbSync



    thanks! i realized the problem with with my local install.

    In reply to: bbSync



    I’m having a couple of issues:

    -Is it just me, or are a few files missing from the package. There are claims in the documents of a

    stylesheet and another file outside of bbsync.php.

    -When I put the <?php bbrepliestext(); ?> tag in my theme, it shows nothing, then I try <?php felbbreplies(); ?> and I get Fatal error: Call to undefined function felbbreplies() in /Applications/MAMP/taos.htdocs/woodfin/wp-content/themes/default/single.php on line 56

    I’ve integrated WordPress and bbPress with the database and plugins. Is there something I’m missing to make this work, because this is a great plugin.

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