Oi! That was easy. It just needed a hard refresh. Thanks, Chrishajer!
Hi, chrishajer.
This is what I see in Firefox: http://thelifelesstraveled.com/forumInFirefox.jpg
However, if I view the forums in Safari, it looks great (just like the default theme should look and how it looks in your screenshot http://www.chrishajer.com/bbpress/tlltf.png).
Hi, chrishajer and howtogee,
Yes, this is the URL: http://thelifelesstraveled.com/forums/
I’m running FireFox How strange that it looks OK to you guys and not to me. I don’t have adblock installed and I can’t find any settings in my preferences that look like they would affect how the forums page is displayed.
I can see the default theme used here just dandy: http://cutline.tubetorial.com/forums/