Hi, thanks so much for taking the time to help.
I should have been more clear because that’s not what I was looking for. 🙂
Also, I’ve since changed the address of my forum: http://www.7thpage.com/community/
So this is how it’s setup:
Forum Slug is set to Community and I have created a page called Community. After I made the page called Community, I renamed the title to YA Book Forum. So now it’s a page with the permalink http://www.7thpage.com/community/ but titled YA Book Forum. The title YA Book Forum appears as the title at the top of the page–so that’s all good.
However, the title in the browser’s tab/window still says Forums. When you view the page’s source, you’ll see that the title’s tag is: <title>Forums</title>
I want the name YA Book Forum to appear there, not Forums.
I hope that makes more sense? It’s showing up in the browser’s tab. Thanks!