sarau (@sarau)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @sarau


    Hi Robin,
    Sorry for the long delay. I got sided-tracked. I followed your advice and I found something like a 404.php. The page is called no-results.php I found the text that I need to edit on the page and made changes to it however, because the text is displayed with the use of php, I’m not sure how to make it recognize the html hypertext link I added. Is it possible to make a link active within this code? It would be convenient to just click on the text and get where you need to go, if that’s possible. Here’s the code that I’m referring to:

    <p><?php esc_html_e('The page you requested could not be found or could not be displayed. If you are a parishioner and you are trying to access a forum page, it may be that you <a href="http://www.url-here/">need to log in</a>. You can do so on the forum page in the right sidebar. Otherwise, try refining your search, or use the navigation above to locate the post.','Chameleon'); ?></p>

    I can remove the anchor tag if I need to but it would be nice to have the link.

    On another, related note, when you go to the top level forum page, if you aren’t logged in it displays text that says “Oh bother! No forums were found here!” I’m pretty sure this text is coming from the bbPress plug-in. Do you know if there is a way to customize what it says here as well?

    Thanks again for all your help!



    Hi Robin,
    I’m using a child theme of the Elegant Themes Chameleon Theme. Regarding question 2, not at all. I’m not a php developer but I’m not afraid to edit a php file. I’m comfortable creating php include files and that sort of thing. I really appreciate your help with this!



    When someone at the church sends an email to the parishioners with a link to a topic in the forum, anyone who follows the link who is not signed in will see a page that says “No Results Found.” This is extremely misleading and makes it seem like there is a typo or some problem with the url. If someone who is already signed in follows the link, there is no problem and they see the topic just fine. A message that says “You need to be signed in to see the forum” would be far more helpful and less confusing language. I just don’t know how to change that language or if it’s even possible to change it.



    Sorry, I forgot to mention that I’m using WordPress version 3.8.1 (the latest as of this writing) and bbPress version 2.5.3 The url wouldn’t show the problem since the forum is private and you would only see “No Results Found” on the page as a non-logged in non-member of the site.

    This is another usability issue I’d love to solve if anyone has a solution. If you are a member of the site but not logged in, you should see a prompt to login rather than “No Results Found”

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