samgeppi108 (@samgeppi108)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @samgeppi108


    thank you..
    Is there a plug-in to handle these things en masse and more elegantly?
    I have many students that get access to different forums. I am not necessarily wanting this to be global act.. banning a member from every forum.
    I want it to be an option that can operate within a larger context of tags, access through courses, memberships, etc




    thank you

    In reply to: Read Only Forum



    can I just change the font color in a “closed” forum/forum post from the (very hard to read) light gray color to a regular black color?

    In reply to: Read Only Forum



    I think it is very weird that BBPress does not have a “read-only” option .. But can I just change the font color in a “closed” forum from the (very hard to read) light gray color to a regular black color?

    That would accomplish the same thing


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