Sabuntu (@sabuntu)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @sabuntu


    Hi bforeste

    I think you don’t need that step, drop tables means wipe it out as you said



    Hi there, I’m trying to be productive by sharing thoughts and ideas in this awesome forum

    what i know to install any bbpress plugin is to put the plugins in

    bbpress/my-plugins folder

    unless the author declare something else

    try to put it there and feed us back please



    actually he was cooperative and tried to explain as simple as he could but i’m not that clever to catch him up :)



    How can I do That, I’m .0 in creating themes

    I know nothing about creating themes, I searched many website for bbpress themes but non of them has mystique theme for bbpress

    I’ve found this website using the same theme for bbpress with excellent bbpress addons , i previewed the page source and I noticed that he has another theme for bbpress he didn’t use the seamless way of theme integration

    I contacted the blog owner asking for his help but with no answer till now



    I’m still trying to solve this problem



    Can you share us how did you do that !?



    By the way I still don’t know what went wrong at the first time, but fortunately with simple work around the problem was solved



    I Think my thread will be the most funniest thread in this wonderful website

    I’ve solved my problem myself

    Just to make easy for new bie like me,

    if you installed bbpress with integration setup for your blog and find some problems and you would like to uninstall and reinstall again follow the following steps

    1- delete bb-config file

    2- login to your cpanel

    3- go to phpMyAdmin

    4- browse your database

    5- drop all bb_ tables

    6- browse wp_usermeta table

    7- and look for bb_capabilities and drop it down

    8- now you are clean and you can go through installation process again

    I’ve done perfectly and my problem was solved

    you can visit my new forum now

    sometimes you can solve your problem with simple knowledge

    wish you all the best guys



    I tried tweaking this problem by the reinstalling the bbpress

    I deleted the forum file completely and I dropped all the tables that are related to bb_

    and reinstalled the forum again as subdomain again

    BUT I’ve had another problem now “installation failed”

    the key master could be established although I’ve deleted all the tables

    as I mentioned in the previous post I’ve integrated my blog to the forum and this might be the problem for not creating the key master for the second problem

    :( any Ideas !!?

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