Forum Replies Created
In reply to: Displaying only specific forums on WordPress page
The easiest way is to create a ‘category’ forum as a holder
so if you had 3 forums related to say flowers and 3 forums to trees, you would add 2 new forums called ‘flowers’ and ‘trees’
so in dashboard>forums>add new when adding the forum in ‘forum attributes’ in the top right of the screen change the ‘type’ from ‘forum’ to ‘category’
then in each ‘flower’ sub forum you would edit these
dashboard>forums>select forum> edit and change the ‘parent forum’ (right hand side) to the category forum ‘flowers’
and repeat for trees.
then in your page use the forum category as the id
so if the flowers category was forum id 365 then the shortcode would be
[bbp-single-forum id=365]
since categories don’t have topics, just the forums show.
You might want to improve how they look by looking at this plugin
and looking at the 3 first forum tabs. there’s lots of other useful stuff in that plugin as well.
In reply to: Seeking recommendationah, may have found it – let me look further
In reply to: Seeking recommendationtoolkit subscriptions seems to work on my test site, but could be another setting within the plugin that is breaking it
In reply to: Seeking recommendation6.1 is quite a major release – I just updated my test site to it, and worpress doesn’t like my twenty ten theme menus anymore 🙁
Personally, I’d wait until 6.1.1 is released before updating a live site.
I’ll take a look at the toolkit plugin with 6.1 when I get a moment
In reply to: Why has my own plugin broken?I suspect 6.1 will break lots of things – I’ve have updated my test site and wordpress doesn’t like the menus I have with a twenty ten theme 🙂
I’d suggest you wait for 6.1.1 to see if they bug fix things.
In reply to: Guidance for Quarterly Cohort HierarchyI don’t know enough about memberpress, but if it lets you restrict forums to particular groups, then yes I’d suggest you set forums for each group, as then you will know who is seeing what.
In reply to: Why has my own plugin broken?so is this a new plugin, or one that has stopped working ?
In reply to: bbPress Advanced Statistics v1.5🙂
In reply to: bbPress Advanced Statistics v1.5I don’t have a copy of this plugin, but given that calling these functions does by necessity involve specifying all the variables, I’d suggest you simply take out the
in the function where it is in your example change
public function __construct ( $file = '', $version ) {
public function __construct ( $file, $version ) {
and do this for all the ones erroring
In reply to: Subscriptions and embedding ?sGreat – that’s good news –
what is the ‘from’ address?
In reply to: Subscriptions and embedding ?sand enabling logs
then you can see if subscriptions are being sent
In reply to: Subscriptions and embedding ?sstart by installing
and enabling logs – this will tell you if your site is sending
In reply to: work with simple membership plugin🙂
In reply to: work with simple membership plugincan’t tell you – this is a paid plugin and nothing to do with bbpress – you’d need to ask them
In reply to: work with simple membership pluginjust did a quick google – looks like you need to buy this
In reply to: work with simple membership pluginYou should not do anything you are not happy with.
I’d suspect it is a simple membership issue, but cannot be certain.
Not sure I can help further
In reply to: work with simple membership pluginI need to logout as admin to then see if solves the issue
in which case you will need to not use the health check plugin and actually deactivate the plugins
if you open two sessions of your browser by opening one and then clicking ‘shift’ and open again, it will open two browsers, so one can be logged in as admin and the other not.
you can then test to see what is causing the login issue
In reply to: work with simple membership pluginI had another go and doing one at a time and checking the front end and after enabling each one, the forum page is blank apart from having the header and footer
The only time the forum page displays correctly is when I enable the advanced custom fields plugin but unsure if that helps as I need to logout as admin to then see if solves the issue but then same happens as I’m not logged in as admin any more
I’m getting bit confused on what to do and unsure what plugin if any is causing the issue or if it’s the theme as getting quite lost to be honest as I don’t use wordpress often
ok, your issue was if I understood it that the bbpress login sent you to the wordpress login?
In reply to: work with simple membership pluginI was going to say, do you think it could be because the bbpress plugin has only been tested up to wordpress version 5.9.5 and I am using 6.0.3?
bbpress works fine with 6.0.3
In reply to: Theme FSE compatible with bbpressonce activated go to
dashboard>settings>bbp style pack>Theme Support
This should be the first tab you see.
Tick the support option.
In reply to: work with simple membership pluginok, suspect that the membership plugin or another plugin is affecting that.
it could be a theme or plugin issue
As a test switch to a default theme such as twentytwenty, and see if this fixes.
If that doesn’t work, also deactivate all plugins apart from bbpress and see if this fixes. if it does, re-enable one at a time to see which is causing the error.
If you cannot do this to your site (say because it is live) then use the ‘troubleshooting’ features of this plugin to let you test without affecting other users
Then come back
In reply to: work with simple membership pluginI have already got simple membership plugin installed and understand bbpress can integrate with it but not having much joy with it.
generally? or just the issues below?
I want users to login to the forum to be able to create a topic which then can be approved by admin if that is possible?
once activated go to
dashboard>settings>bbp style pack>moderation>tick and save
then in
dashboard>settings>forums set to moderate all posts, but below that only moderate topics
Can bbpress work with simple membership plugin so users don’t have to sign up again to use bbpress forum if they want to post a topic? If so how do I set it up please?
once signed in with simple membership, they should be able to do this
In reply to: Clean out HTML from copying, but allow bold🙂
In reply to: Clean out HTML from copying, but allow bolddo let us know if that works
In reply to: Clean out HTML from copying, but allow boldfrom this article
try this, otherwise I don’t have a further solution
//clean html when copy and paste into forum function bbp_tinymce_paste_plain_text( $plugins = array() ) { $plugins[] = 'paste'; $paste_word_valid_elements[] = 'b,strong'; return $plugins; } add_filter( ‘bbp_get_tiny_mce_plugins’, ‘bbp_tinymce_paste_plain_text’ );