Forum Replies Created
In reply to: User Role Editor access to bbPress
you’re welcome !
In reply to: Full Page vs Sidebar Installationok try the following
Create a page called “forums”
Put some welcome text at the top eg “hello welcome to my forum”
Then put the following:
[bbp-forum-index]If you’re using custom menus – add the page to your menus
Then go to dashboard>plugins>add new and load in BBpress WP Tweaks
Then go to dashboard>appearance>widgets and you’ll see a bbpress sidebar
Load in items such as
bbpress login widget
bbpress forums list
bbppress topics listThen view the site
You should have a forums page something like
with a forum specific sidebar
with normal sidebars appearing on other pages
If you need help in adding any of the other items in my forum sidebar, just let me know
In reply to: is_bbpress() isn't working for meCan’t see anything wrong with your code
works on my conditional statementsIn reply to: User Role Editor access to bbPressBBpress comes with roles that you can set for each user, just go into dashboard>users and set them up – they’re at the bottom of the page
see this article
In reply to: Forum homepage display is bonkersok update to the previous
If you’re using a child theme, or one of your own, you can add this to your css
#bbpress-forums .bbp-forums-list li { display: list-item !important; font-size: 11px; }
and then bbpress updates will not overwrite
In reply to: Forum homepage display is bonkersIf you want forums as a list, then you need to change the following
Line 120-122
#bbpress-forums .bbp-forums-list li { display: inline; font-size: 11px;
change to
#bbpress-forums .bbp-forums-list li { display: list-item; font-size: 11px;
This’ll then produce the vertical list
Now I expect to be told off for directly editing a plugin file, and if someone else knows how to get it to do the same with a themes functions.php or style.css, then I’d love to see how to do it.
You will need to make a note of this, as every bbpress plugin update will rub it out
In reply to: Congratulations Stephen Edgar!congrats Stephen !
hmmm…could be lots of things
I see you’re using the twentyeleven theme, how have you set the forums page up?
Easiest way is to create a page called ‘forums’ and put this short code in it
Then add that page to your menu’s
Then as the page is set to display the sidebar it should all work
In reply to: Add a forum specific sidebar!Ok, I’ve found that the bbpress tweaks sidebar can fail to work although populated. I have had this afger doing updates to themes and/or wodpress.
No idea why, but the following seems to fix it, so please try and PLEASE come back and say if successful or whether it’s just my installation.
1. Deactivate bbpress tweaks
Dashboard>plugins>bbpress tweaks>deactivate2. Go into widgets
Dashboard>appearance>widgetsAnd look at the bottom of the left hand side. You’ll see an “inactive sidebar”, with your entries on
Below this is an “inactive widgets”
Drag all the entries from the inactive sidebar to the inactive widgets area.
This them allows wordpress to delete the sidebar
3. I normally log out and in again at this stage – probably not needed, but I’ve never bothered to checkThen basically reverse the above
4. Re-enable bbpress tweaks
You see the bbpress sidebar returns
5. Drag the entries back from the inactive widgets area to the sidebarIt then seems to function again
let us know if this works for you
In reply to: where do i begin?you’re welcome
In reply to: Suggestions on registration tutorialJust by chance found a mailchimp plugin, no idea if it will help you, but :
probably worth a look !
In reply to: Suggestions on registration tutorialyou’re very welcome
In reply to: Suggestions on registration tutorialit uses the wordpress user database to store email addresses, and will mail to the email address of the wordpress user as you set them up.
Whilst a bit clunky, you could use
to export the email addresses to a csv, and import them from there to mailchimp maybe via a macro.
depends on how many users you have and how often you’re emailing.
In reply to: Suggestions on registration tutorialI am trying to figure out how to make entering a username and email address mandatory for my forums
Just unclick anonymous posting in dashboard>settings>forums
Just create a page in your menu system called forums wherever you want it, and add the following shortcode
In reply to: where do i begin?Yes there should be was fairly sure I’d posted it
link is
In reply to: Most active users (Leaderboard)Have not fund anything else that does this
In reply to: Forum is open but says its closed.Can you explain more?
where does ti say this – can’t see it in the link you psoted.
and is it open when you want it closed, or closed when you want it open, or all fine but just the words wrong.
In reply to: Most active users (Leaderboard)There used to be, it was called (surprisingly!) bbpress leaderboard, but whilst references to it are many, I can’t find an actual plugin
In reply to: where do i begin?Start by watching this, it’s a bit old, but will get you started.
Create a page called “forums” or whatever you set the forums page to be when you were in settings (see video), if you are using a custom menu, add this page to it. That way your have a fourms page on your site which has all the forum stuff inc. login which we’ll add next!
Next – install a further plugin called bbpress tweaks
This :
Adds a forum specific sidebar to your forum page, so this can be different to the blog and static pages.
Gives you login widgets which along with recent comments and recent topics widget makes your forum sidebar have everything it needs
In reply to: bbpress and wordpress 3.6Works fine for me !
In reply to: Forum Page Sidebar issueIn reply to: How Do I Make A Custom bbPress Theme?Is it easy for you to summarise what “extra” you found out that would help others searching this forum in future?
In reply to: Weird login error on this siteThere seem to be some issues with this site and remembering users.
You can login to, but as soon as you try to go to the support area, it logs you as anonymous. If you click the lost password it tells you that you are already logged in. Logging out and in again doesn’t fix, and login frequently goes nowhere.
I found two solutions
1. logout, then click lost password, get the email, change password and then login
2. Come to the site using
JJJ – this started for me about 10 days ago, before that it was intermittent, now it is every time I come to site – any ideas?
Firstly, you need to post this on the theme’s support site
Since this site has a free download trial version and a bought version, I suspect you may need to spend $45 to buy this version to take this ad out – don’t guarantee that, but suspect it is the case.