Robin W (@robin-w)

Forum Replies Created

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  • Robin W


    yes, there’s a plugin that does this for you

    Haven’t used it yet, let us know if it works for you

    In reply to: change forum sidebar

    Robin W


    ok, I can see your problem

    Not sure why the plugin isn’t picking this up – would be worth a post on the authors support site

    However lets also try a different approach.

    Download “widget logic”

    This plugin lets you specify conditions for when widget items are displayed.

    You would then put all the widgets for both the blog page and the forum page in one sidebar

    Against each of these you then specify whether you want it to appear on the forum page, on any page with a sidebar that is not the forum 9ie your blog), or on both forum and other sidebar pages.

    you do this by putting the following code in the widget logoc box that you will see appears against each widget

    For a forum sidebar you put : is_bbpress() ie is this page a forum page
    For any other sidebar you put : !is_bbpress() ie is this page NOT a forum page
    For any item to appear on both, simply leave the logic blank.

    Give that a try and come back and let us know how it works

    In reply to: change forum sidebar

    Robin W


    Can you post a link please?

    Robin W


    Create a page, and put the following shortcode in it


    or if you want to get more specific then look at all the shortcodes

    In reply to: Display all forums

    Robin W


    Vkymunir, you should really start your own topic, but as you’ve posted here, go to the following link

    Step by step guide to setting up a bbPress forum – Part 1

    In reply to: Display all forums

    Robin W


    Unfortunately it’s css and php files that you will need to amend

    Quickest change would be to add the following to your style.css

    #bbpress-forums .bbp-forums-list li {
    display: list-item !important;
    font-size: 11px;

    or to amend the display line in wp-content/plugins/bbpress/templates/default/css/bbpress.css line 121

    That’ll get your list vertical.

    Add descriptions to your forums (dashboard>forums>edit and put something in content) and you’ll have the next part.

    Then if you want to alter the display, you’ll need to look at loop-single-forum.php

    or the main forum display loop-forums.php

    Robin W


    It’s quite simple to get ti up and running – just work you way through the following resource

    Step by step guide to setting up a bbPress forum – Part 1

    If you are using a default core theme, it’ll be going in a couple of hours. if you have a custom theme, the functionality will be there, but the look and feel might be a little different from your theme, and you’ll need to style it – not that hard to do, but does require some knowledge of using FTP and a code editor.

    I’ll be finishing this article during the next week.

    Robin W



    is the function you want

    $user = ( bbp_get_reply_author_id( $reply_id )) ;
    will get you the username, so probably
    is_user_logged_in($user) should get you there

    Robin W


    I’ve just created a fresh wordpress site 3.7.1 with theme twentytwelve, and added bbpress 2.4.1 to it.

    I am able to create forums, set up users, tools etc. etc.

    Robin W


    Yes totally.

    You can create a full width page forum if you wish – if your theme has a full width page option then just create a full width page, put the index shortcode within it [bbp-forum-index].

    But it may be better to have a separate sidebar, so that you can have login and latest posts – see for an example.

    Once you have installed bbpress, then install a plugin called bbPress WP tweaks. it gives you a forum specific sidebar, so you can add login and latest posts widgets

    You can also use a plugin called “widget logic” with your normal sidebar to control what widgets are seen on what pages. For instance a widget will not appear if you use the logic !is_bbpress()m or will appear if you use is_bbpress()

    In reply to: Layout errors and 404

    Robin W


    Yes, create a page called say “foumsd2 and put the following shortcode in


    There’s a full list of shortcodes at

    In reply to: Errors

    Robin W


    One a day, lots every day?

    Can you post your url?

    Robin W


    OK, when I get a moment I’ll create a new site and try it from a blank canvass.

    Robin W


    OK, try going into


    and edit the username you’re looking at

    at the bottom there should be a setting for level of forum access. For full rights it should be keymaster.

    Come back and let us know what it is set at, and if not keymaster change it to that and try again

    Robin W


    suggest you uninstall bbpress and then re-install it.

    Come back if that doesn’t work

    Robin W


    I just took a look at my forum

    On a single topic display, my css is from line 575

    #content .entry-title {
        color: #000000;
        font-size: 21px;
        font-weight: bold;
        line-height: 1.3em;
        margin-bottom: 0;

    and when I view a topic title in a list of forums it is from line 475

    #content, #content input, #content textarea {
        color: #333333;
        font-size: 16px;
        line-height: 24px;

    Have you tried either of those?

    It is frustrating that I can’t directly see what you’re looking at 🙂

    Robin W


    Precisely what are you doing to get this message



    and at what point do you get it?

    Robin W


    ok, would be worth a double check with firebug as to which css is being used.

    is it definitely bbpress.css? and on what directory are you using it (ie is it the default directory or a copy you have made, and if the latter which directory have you put it in?

    Robin W


    great – glad you’re sorted!

    Robin W


    great, glad you’re sorted !

    Robin W


    Yes, and I totally agree, the documentation is woeful, unfortunately those that know the answers won’t update, and the rest of us work out bits that function, but are never sure whether these are the best ways.

    Anyway onto your question.

    bbPress is a plugin, and out of the box it works well with twentyten, and I understand twentyeleven.

    Beyond that you’ll need to style it.

    This consist of two elements :



    I create a page called “forums”, and then put whatever forum text at the top followed by the forum shortcut [bbp-forum-index]

    See for an example

    Then loading a plugin called bbPress WP tweaks adds a forum sidebar to your widgets area.

    I have loaded this with a login widget, forum list, recent topics and recent replies, as well as some other stuff from my website. See link about for what is in there.

    This then gives you a basic forum area.

    Then onto

    bbPress using the default bbpress.css as it style doc unless you tell it otherwise

    You can customise look and feel – fonts, colours, background quite easily by using one of two methods, knowing what to change is the hard part !

    If you have an existing child theme, you can override the bbpress default for elements by adding them to your own child theme style.css BUT you need to put !important into them to prevent the bbpress plugin from loading later and overwriting them with the default

    As an example if you wanted to change the font-size of the forums list you’d put the following into your css

    #bbpress-forums .bbp-forums-list li {
    	font-size: 11px !important;

    The alternate method, and perhaps better if you want to make lots of changes, is to copy the default bbpress.css from /wp-content/plugins/bbpress/templates/default/css
    to /wp-content/themes/%your-theme%/css/

    you can then edit it there to your hearts content, and you don’t need the !important bit.

    OK so how do I know what to edit?

    You’ll need to get familiar with using something like firebug with firefox. This lets you examine sections of your website and see precisely what css element is styling it. gives the start of a tutorial on this

    When I get a moment, I’ll start to add this to the bbpress documentation.

    I only started with WordPress and bbPress in March, and am still learning the basics !

    In reply to: HTLM editor?

    Robin W


    Not quite sure what you’re after?

    Do you want more html or less?

    are you not getting the same editor as you’ll be using to reply to this thread?

    Robin W


    Haven’t looked at them, but these two might help start you in the right direction

    Robin W


    and that class is the one you tried to change, it is on line 166 of bbpress.css

    #bbpress-forums div.bbp-forum-title h3,
    #bbpress-forums div.bbp-topic-title h3,
    #bbpress-forums div.bbp-reply-title h3 {
    	background: none;
    	border: none;
    	font-size: 16px;
     	line-height: 1em;
     	margin: 8px 0;
    	padding: 0;
    	text-transform: none;

    Robin W


    Ok, you can add the following to it

    #bbpress-forums div.bbp-forum-title h3,
    #bbpress-forums div.bbp-topic-title h3,
    #bbpress-forums div.bbp-reply-title h3 {
    	font-size: 16px !important;

    16px is what it is currently set to, just alter the 16px to whatever size you want

    h3 by the way is “heading 3” there are a number of different heading sizes that bbpress sets and uses, that are separate from your main themes h3

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