Forum Replies Created
In reply to: This topic is empty
are you using any caching software ?
it will be bbp digests plugin I suspect
In reply to: Forum links to homepagegreat – glad you are fixed
In reply to: Forum links to homepageok, so with JUST a default theme and JUST bbpress as only plugin, this occurs – yes ?
In reply to: BBPress 50 max1. use this plugin
dashboard>settings>bbp style pack>forum Display – item 11
or 2. using code
to set to say 60
add_filter ('bbp_before_has_forums_parse_args', 'rew_number_of_forums') ;# function rew_number_of_forums ($args) { $args['posts_per_page'] = 60 ; return $args ; }
Put this in your child theme’s function file –
ie wp-content/themes/%your-theme-name%/functions.php
where %your-theme-name% is the name of your theme
or use
In reply to: A book or resource for programmer🙂
best I can offer is
In reply to: A book or resource for programmerdocumentation is scarce !
for topic
function bbp_insert_topic in includes\topics\functions.php
and for forum
function bbp_insert_forum in includes\forums\functions.php
In reply to: Forum links to homepageso have you tried the suggestions above ?
In reply to: Forum links to homepageit could be a theme or plugin issue – I know you have already switched themes but try a default one 🙂
As a test switch to a default theme such as twentytwenty, and see if this fixes.
If that doesn’t work, also deactivate all plugins apart from bbpress and see if this fixes. if it does, re-enable one at a time to see which is causing the error.
If you cannot do this to your site (say because it is live) then use the ‘troubleshooting’ features of this plugin to let you test without affecting other users
Then come back
In reply to: Forum links to homepagecan you explain further – I clicked the ‘forum’ menu item and got taken to the forum list, which is what I would expect.
In reply to: Editor buttons missing since 2.6.8 upgradeIt should be automatically fixed by having that plugin.
In reply to: BBpress Profile issueon you last point, bbpress just uses the WordPress gravatar system, so users can use gravatar to have their image
But there are a number of plugins that allow users to upload avatars, and any plugin that allows this should work with bbpress. Just google ‘wordpress upload avatar’ and you’ll find a wealth of resources.
On you other points, these are related to LMS and Memberpress I suspect, both of which are paid plugins, so suspect you should start there.
In reply to: Editor buttons missing since 2.6.8 upgradeIt is a bug introduced in a recent upgrade
In reply to: Proper way to run forum repair toolsApologies for delay.
I have seen this from time to time with only one website- it seems to happen where a forum has topics and sub-forums as well (as opposed to the higher level being a category), but since I only get involved when it has happened, I’ve never managed to get to a set of circumstances that will replicate the problem. For the site with the issue, they generally either wait for a further post which corrects, or one of the moderators creates a new reply to a topic which fixes. I have suspected it also relates to spam posts, as I have often found them in the mix when the issue occurs.
bbpress does not send a weekly email – is this an associated additional plugin ?
In reply to: bbp_participant is uneditablePut this in your child theme’s function file –
ie wp-content/themes/%your-theme-name%/functions.php
where %your-theme-name% is the name of your theme
or use
add_filter( 'bbp_get_caps_for_role', 'rew_amend_role_caps', 10, 2 ); function rew_amend_role_caps( $caps, $role ) { if ($role=='bbp_participant' ) { $caps = array( // Primary caps 'spectate' => true, 'participate' => true, // Forum caps 'read_private_forums' => true, // Topic caps 'publish_topics' => false, 'edit_topics' => false, // Reply caps 'publish_replies' => true, 'edit_replies' => true, // Topic tag caps 'assign_topic_tags' => true, ); } return $caps ; }
In reply to: Forum – subscribe to new topics AND replies?In reply to: Editor buttons missing since 2.6.8 upgradenot fixed in 2.6.9
In reply to: After submit error message shows – Comment is added‘spam email blocklist’ is not a bbpress phrase, can you test with just wordpress and bbpress active, and a default theme.
In reply to: Proper way to run forum repair toolsIt should not, but may well be 🙂
Can I ask what is wrong – ie is there a newer entry, so freshness is out of date, or it has freshness related to a topic no longer visible etc.
Are sub forums involved ?
That would help me decide how best to proceed
In reply to: Proper way to run forum repair toolsI would always recommend a backup before actions that affect the db.
However all the repair tools affect relationships and counts, they don’t amend or delete forum, topic or reply entries.
Running recalculate freshness will update a single database entry for each topic and forum.
If you have substantial numbers of forums, topics and replies this can slow your site whilst running, but in practice with server speeds nowadays I suspect you’ll not notice – but run at a quiet site time anyway 🙂
In reply to: Import from Drupal worked but shows No topicsso are you fixed? or are there remaining problems?
In reply to: 404 error for non logged in usersok,
so I think you have 2 choices1. not show your forum page unless logged in. If all your forums will be private, then this is probably a good option.
You can create a forums page ( item 3) and then use a restriction plugin such as ‘restrict content’ to make this a login page – see and/or you could use my ‘private groups’ plugin to do this, and still show that these forums exist