yes, that link, but there’s no download page, is it ?
yes, that link, but there’s no download page, is it ?
Refresh, I need this ..
already looking around in author site, but can’t find any about that theme
I like to know about this too
finally, the backticks work after I deactived the Allow Images plugin .. so I can’t use that plugin for it purpose then
ps : thank you Chrishajer and Geekgirl89
I don’t know what’s wrong, when I use backtick between code, the code disappear
, when I use only one backtick in front or after the code, only word “Google” appear (I’m trying your with example code Chrishajer)
is there any options to allow html on post ?
actually I need to show the hyperlink code like a href=”….”
so the members can see what they must put on it