rinh (@rinh)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @rinh


    I see! And don’t do it! Solved it in a different way so it’s all good 🙂



    Edit: we’re taking a different approach so I no longer need it to work with block themes.



    You’re awesome!



    Thanks for looking into it, no rush 🙂 And sorry for being so demanding by the way



    That’s an interesting plugin. But agree gutenberg gets a little convoluted when only used as a text editor.

    What I had in mind was being able to add some of the bbPress widgets to the page having the forum root shortcode. These widgets doesn’t seem to appear in gutenberg.

    bbPress widgets



    It would be good indeed, FSE looks like the future of WordPress.

    I just started so I don’t know much, and I think I’ll be in forever learning 😉 I think a template part that is the forum would work best though, but I could be completely wrong on that. I can type down what I’ve got so far though.

    From what I’ve gathered so far (I could be wrong on some things here). There are several kinds of templates, for example Archive and Single. Single displays the layout for single posts and that seem to be what all pages except forum root are.

    Simply put the templates work in that way you build a layout using the block editor where you can put in single post parts like post title, post content and so on. In Elementor I made a Single with just post content and magically the post content would display the forum on the front-end.

    bbPress forum root appear to be an archive, but since it has a shortcode forum root wouldn’t need anything more I think.

    The FSE recognise custom post types and you can make Single templates for those. I’m not sure if bbPress is a custom post type, but if it is and FSE would recognise it that would’ve solved it all.

    Hope that makes any sense.



    I appreaciate it though 🙂

    I realised I have a another problem. Is there any way to get the Recent Topics and Recent Replies widget to work in block editor, or get them to appear some other way for example shortcode? I didn’t realise until now that widgets don’t work in block editor.

    Thank you in advance.



    Unfortunately I don’t think any of them is close or can just be cloned.

    [bbp-forum-index] – This one works well and can add the forum root anywhere.

    But then there’s Forums or Categories, Sub forums and topics/replies themselves. These pages seem to all be seen as ‘posts’ by WordPress, why making a posts template worked in Elementor for all of them. FSE templates seem to ignore bbPress entirely though.

    [bbp-single-forum id=$forum_id] – This one do make it possible to add single forums anywhere, but not if they’re inside a forum Category. Would also need one page for each forum which would get a little crazy. I don’t know if this one could be tweaked into something more advanced.

    What would be needed is shortcodes for displaying forum Category pages in general, as well as their sub forum pages where the topics are listed. And then all the topic/replies pages too.

    All that sound too difficult to be honest.



    Thank you a lot 🙂
    I’ll try them out again in pages, templates and stuff in FSE (still pretty confused) and see if I can narrow it down. I’ll get back to you later.



    Oh yes, I use the plugin to be able to display the forum in block themes. Thank you for the plugin by the way and all the work you do on them and this forum 🙂

    This is more about I’d like to put the forum in templates to be able to put additional content, for example I put a welcome message/info as well as a custom made sidebar in the Elementor template.

    I suppose there’s no shortcodes for displaying forums (other than root) as well as one for all topics? 😛

    I can totally understand avoiding getting too deep into FSE. I really appreciate it too, it’s like a mini theme builder. The learning curve do feels steep though.



    Okay 🙂
    Thank you for your work here and on the plugins Robin



    Does anyone know if there are plans to add support for FSE in bbPress in somewhat near future (like a year or so)?
    Thank you 🙂



    This a little funny, but a solution I had never noticed before is that if I right click in the editor or do ctrl + shift + V there’s an option to paste as plain text. It doesn’t make bold etc carry over, but at least there’s no need to paste into a text editor first.



    Thank you Robin. I appreciate it. Unfortunately it did not work. I can’t get the snippet I posted to work either in fact, all HTML is still there.



    That makes sense. Thanks a lot!

    In reply to: Editor autoresize



    Thanks for the links 🙂 It’s not a necessary feature, but agree would be neat. I think one issue is that most scripts and functions are for when you have TinyMCE as the deafault WordPress editor, but this is inside bbPress.

    I’ll definitely let you know if I find a working solution.



    Oh! I did not see that the code changed when I pasted it in here and the ‘;’ even disappeared. I kept retrying with the one in the documentation.

    Thanks again Robin, you’re awesome 🙂



    Thank you for trying.

    That’s odd.

    I’ve tried it again, and also in my functions.php instead of Code Snippets. It doesn’t say there’s any errors until I try to save it.
    I tried another theme as well and also to remove all other custom snippets I got, but the same result.



    Sorry for double post, but I got the toggle button back by adding wp_adv, as well as the image button. Full code below if anyone needs it too

    function bbp_enable_visual_editor( $args = array() ) {
        $args['tinymce'] = array('toolbar1' => 'formatselect, bold, italic, underline, bullist, numlist, blockquote, alignleft, aligncenter, alignright, link, image, wp_adv');
        $args['quicktags'] = false;
        $args['teeny'] = false;
        return $args;
    add_filter( 'bbp_after_get_the_content_parse_args', 'bbp_enable_visual_editor' );

    For toolbar 2 I hid the unwanted buttons with CSS. I’m happy with the results 🙂 Still curious though if toolbar 2 can be customised, but it’s nothing necessary.



    My post disappeared and I’m unable to post it again: I’ll try again

    I messed around with the conditions in the theme builder last night and I found working solutions 🙂

    Elementor template for single topic and single forum

    This template will work for single topics (those pages where you read a topic and can reply) and single forum (where you see a list of topics, sometime called boards or category). Both of these act as single posts. Make a Single post template according to your needs and in the container/section where you want bbPress itself put an Archive Posts widget and set the skin to Full Content. It’s going to look like your blog posts in Elementor editor, but it’s normal.

    Save the template with the following conditions:

    Include: All Singular
    Exclude: Posts (unless you want the same template for your posts)
    Exclude: any custom post types you may have
    Exclude: Pages (just to be safe)
    Exclude: you may need to exclude additional things according to your needs.

    Elementor template for forum index

    This template will work for the forum index only. Create and Archive template according to your needs. In the container/section where you want bbPress itself put bbPress forum index shortcode which can be found here: https://codex.bbpress.org/features/shortcodes/

    Save the template with the following conditions:

    Include: Forums Archive



    Will do 🙂



    Some correction. I do have the header working. Not sure how I didn’t see that… And also widgets do appear at the bottom below the reply form. So perhaps just a lot of CSS is the easiest way to go here.



    Thanks again Robin. I tried Hello Elementor theme plus your plugin. Unfortunately it doesn’t work, and Hello Elementor seems to also breaks the template on forums which is pretty odd as the template works with Underscores theme.

    I’m thinking now if there would be a way to manually put the template into bbPress files. Probably not XD



    Thanks for taking your time to look at this! Your filter works great and fixes the issue 🙂



    Thank you a lot 🙂

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