RaphaelJeger (@raphaeljeger)

Forum Replies Created

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  • In reply to: Upload images



    I have found a solution using http://justboil.me/
    I am almost finished, posting images online works already with bbpress.
    If you want I will show you how.



    Jared, I’m almost finished with inline image posting using a tinyMCE plugin. Wanna know how I did it?

    In reply to: Upload images



    sry, I’m on WP 3.4.2 and BP 2.2.2 if that matters…

    In reply to: Upload images




    doesn’t work for me either, although I see the tinyMCE on forum posts, I can not upload pics and place them inline afterwards. This is crucial to my project. I tried the bbpress GD attachements-plugin but that won’t allow for inline-placing images.

    Please please help!!!



    Thank you Jared…
    A real bummer to me. I highly appreciate all your work and like the system apart fron that, but no inline images = real big bummer 🙁 I can’t even imagine having a forum w/o it…



    I use the absolute newest version of WP and BP (3.4.2 and 2.2.2) and can’t upload images directly in the editor and didn’t find a plugin for doing it (uploading, display them inline etc.)

    Is there really no solution? If that’s the case I’ll have to switch to another forum because it’s absolutely unusable for my case 🙁

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