pjbarry21 (@pjbarry21)

Forum Replies Created

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  • In reply to: @mentions not working



    Does not autopopulate/work in forum discussions using the visual editor, although cutting and pasting or typing handles changes them into links upon saving — most of the time. Sometimes we have to go back in and edit/remove spaces around the entry for it to show up.

    To try to get a little more functionality on a test site, I’ve added code from here: https://bbpress.org/forums/topic/mentions-not-becoming-links-some-times/ — but this only works in the text editor and not in the visual editor.

    It does autopopulate in activity feeds and does work in resources (bpdocs).

    In reply to: @mentions not working



    We also see inconsistencies in this functionality throughout the site. Any suggestions?



    I spoke too soon. It’s not just edits with hyperlinks. Back to trying to figure out if there’s a pattern.



    Ok. Latest update. The only remaining 502 errors seem to happen after the initial reply is entered successfully (in the admin interface) and then we need to change something in it (in our case, it’s often the author id) — AND when there is a hyperlink in the text entry. We’re using the WYSIWYG/visual editor. And only on the first update (after the original submission goes in). I can change the author 10 times after it fails (on the first update only) and they all go fine. I can change the author on a text only entry and never get the 502.

    So, it’s looking like our initial issue is resolved (502 preventing the new reply admin page from loading at all for some admin users — fixed by the removing the entry in wp_notifications), but now we have an issue where we can enter replies, but editing them the first time, if they contain a hyperlink, causes a timeout/502 error. And this one really times out (takes a while before we see the 502). The initial problem of not loading the admin reply page at all and seeing a 502 was an instantaneous error — no delays.



    Well, I think I found our main issue (though, another one was being experienced that I didn’t realize — a 502 that only shows up on the first attempt to enter a reply, but then disappears when you try again — and only for some people).

    The issue for those of us seeing a 502 and unable to load the new reply page at all was an entry in the database’s wp_bp_notifications table (by user id) where the component_name was “forums” and the component_action was “bbp_new_reply.” I noticed these only appeared for the user ids/people who were experiencing the 502 errors. I deleted them from the table (after backing it up) and no more immediate 502 errors when trying to create a new reply through the wp-admin.

    Now I just need to see if I can find the issue for the person getting the 502 after entering the reply (but who can then click update and it eventually goes through).

    Will post back after. Oh, and replacing all the buddypress files (per my previous post) had no effect. The issue only resolved after deleting the offending records in the db.



    Update… the only plugin I didn’t disable in the testing before is Buddypress (the core plugin). I just disabled everything except bbpress and buddypress. And changed back to the default theme. Still got the same error. Then I disabled buddypress itself. That stopped the error. But, I also only get the error for some users.

    I’m going to replace all the core buddypress files to see if that resolves it.



    Yes. But I’ve just confirmed that this is specific to certain users. And, for us, some of the users were imported. So, I think we must have something corrupted in some accounts. Poring through the db now.



    I know this is an older thread, but wondering if a solution was found. We’re experiencing the 502 error only on replies started from the admin area, as well. I’ve removed all posts and replies and we still have the error.



    We’re still having this issue — even after updating WP to 4.7 and the latest version of bbPress to 2.5.12. It may be unrelated to the issue fixed in the latest release, but I’m not sure how we can even identify if it’s the same/related issue or something totally different. Any suggestions on what we can do to try to get this resolved (since the updates didn’t do it)? Thanks!

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