I tried to start back from 0. I reinstalled wordpress 4.7.3, deleted loco translate, deleted and reinstalled bbpress. I then followed this guide : https://codex.bbpress.org/getting-started/bbpress-in-your-language/ to download and install a translation which is apparently 100% complete for my language. Still it’s not completely working. I verified in /wp-admin/update-core.php and I have no updates. You cannot blame loco translate this time as it’s not even installed anymore on my website. Also, I can know my wordpress language is correctly setup because some translation does work as you can see on the following image :
Please help me, this really seem like a bug with your plugin…
My language is already set to french and no translation have been downloaded… I am not using wpml but Loco Translate for updating my language files. I also can translate some of the string but not all so I know my translation setup is correct.