outchy (@outchy)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @outchy


    is there a way to limit the maximum number of characters for a username?



    ok i’ll stay away from that then, thanks.

    In reply to: css help



    rock & roll, gentlemen. that was it, bobbyh and yes i was using ie6 on win2k. thank you very much, i really love these forums!



    is there a way to tweak this so you can simply list the latest posters on the front page (as username/profile link)?



    i think that mysterious text appears when some kind of system text is missing:

    for example, when i changed this line in login.php from:

    <h2><?php isset($_POST) ? _e(‘Log in Failed’) : _e(‘Log in’) ; ?></h2>


    <h2><?php isset($_POST) ? _e(‘Log in Failed’) : _e(”) ; ?></h2>

    that crazy text appeared where ‘Log in’ should have been. hope this helps.



    yeah, login with this info:

    Your username is: supercoolman

    Your password is: 1c46c2

    You can now log in: http://www.manonfire.cc/sk6ers/

    then click here:


    it appears above the textarea box



    one thing though, i just noticed. above all of my forms, the following text is appearing:

    Project-Id-Version: POT-Creation-Date: PO-Revision-Date: 2007-07-23 13:42-0500 Last-Translator: NJO Language-Team: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

    is there a way to get rid of that?



    worked like a CHARM. thank you so much.



    where can i change this default text for these links at the bottom of topic.php:

    <?php topic_delete_link(); ?> <?php topic_close_link(); ?> <?php topic_sticky_link(); ?>

    i can’t find it except in template-functions.php, which i won’t ever touch again :)

    In reply to: Plugin: Avatar Upload



    awesome update, thanks!



    YES!!! oh, you’ve made my week, thank you so much :)

    the log in text is here in template-functions.php:

    if ( ( is_topic() && bb_current_user_can( ‘write_post’, $topic->topic_id ) && $page == $last_page ) || ( !is_topic() && bb_current_user_can( ‘write_topic’, $forum->forum_id ) ) ) {

    echo “<form class=’postform’ name=’postform’ id=’postform’ method=’post’ action='” . bb_get_option(‘uri’) . “bb-post.php’>n”;

    bb_load_template( ‘post-form.php’, array(‘h2’ => $h2) );

    bb_nonce_field( is_topic() ? ‘create-post_’ . $topic->topic_id : ‘create-topic’ );

    if ( is_forum() )

    echo “<input type=’hidden’ name=’forum_id’ value=’$forum->forum_id’ />n”;

    else if ( is_topic() )

    echo “<input type=’hidden’ name=’topic_id’ value=’$topic->topic_id’ />n”;


    echo “n</form>”;

    } elseif ( !bb_is_user_logged_in() ) {

    echo ‘<p>’;

    printf(__(‘You must log in to post.’), attribute_escape( bb_get_option(‘uri’) . ‘bb-login.php’ ));

    echo ‘</p>’;




    this is the last piece of the puzzle for me :D



    sweet, thanks.

    now the only one i’m getting hung up on is the “add new topic” page because the page url is http://www.example.com/bbpress/?new=1 and i can’t see which page that actually is referring to (i can usually see something like “/topic.php?id=35&page&replies=2” in the url to know what page to edit. i know the actual form itself resides in post-form.php but the <h2> i’m trying to alter isn’t actually in that file. same goes with the line breaks before it, they would go in the same place.

    i can see where it is in the template-functions.php:

    elseif ( is_bb_tag() || is_front() )

    $h2 = __(‘Add New Topic’);

    i simply can’t find it elsewhere in the code and i’m going mad and blind!

    all your help is much appreciated.

    ps: one more thing! do you know where would i change the “you must log in to post” text?



    excellent! thank you very much.

    one more question in regards to the same thing:

    function post_form( $h2 = ” ) {

    global $bb, $page, $topic, $forum;

    $add = topic_pages_add();

    if ( empty($h2) && false !== $h2 ) {

    if ( is_topic() )

    $h2 = __(‘Reply’);

    elseif ( is_forum() )

    $h2 = __(‘New Topic in this Forum’);

    elseif ( is_bb_tag() || is_front() )

    $h2 = __(‘Add New Topic’);


    how do i change the text that says ‘add new topic’ like i did with your “post_form(‘Take some Pizza’)”. i can’t find where to change that.

    also, if i wanted to add two line breaks above the <h2>, how would i do that other than in template-functions.php?

    thanks so much for your help.



    i got the upgrade to work, thank you for your advice. and your php code worked great. now the only thing i need to know is, how do i change the word “reply” to “post a reply” without altering the template-functions.php? or any other predetermined text for that matter?



    i tried upgrading before and as you can imagine, it broke a lot my stuff so i had to go back down because i couldn’t figure out how to fix it all. and just so you know, i always upgrade my wordpress the day it comes out but this time i was a little out of my league with bbpress. i don’t waste people’s time, i’ve tried everything i know how.



    i will try that right now, thank you.

    can i still download 0.8.1? that’s the version i have and i want to do a diff on templates-functions.php



    i didn’t know that :/

    i tried your code but i couldn’t get it to work because i didn’t fully understand it. i think i pieced it together wrong or left out something.

    do i just paste the whole thing into topic.php? or some other file?



    thanks. after much editing of template-functions.php, i got it to work. this is what did it:

    function post_form( $h2 = ” ) {

    global $bb, $page, $topic, $forum;

    $add = topic_pages_add();

    if ( empty($h2) && false !== $h2 ) {

    if ( is_topic() )

    $h2 = __(”);

    elseif ( is_forum() )

    $h2 = __(‘New Topic in this Forum’);

    elseif ( is_tag() || is_front() )

    $h2 = __(‘CREATE A THREAD’);


    $last_page = get_page_number( $topic->topic_posts + $add );

    if ( $page != $last_page ) {

    echo “<h2 class=’post-form’>$h2</h2>n”;



    echo “<h2 class=’post-form’>POST A REPLY</h2>n”;

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