Nick Ottens (@ottens)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @ottens


    Yes, I did. I’m using the Twenty Thirteen theme, I doubt that’s the problem. May be my host, some issues from the conversion, I don’t know. I’ll give it a few days, see if it goes away.



    Stephen, one more question. I’m not sure if this is bbPress-related or WordPress’ fault or just my computer, but I’m getting a lot of “blank” pages whenever I try to access a blog post or forum topic and I have to reload before it shows up. Is this a known issue?



    I’m afraid the converter got stuck again. It did work – up to a point. I had to go about it very slowly though, converting 10 rows at a time and giving ample delay, so it took me several days to process. I’m quite sure that’s because of my host and not the converter. The converter seems to work. I’m extremely grateful for that. It was the oldest content I wanted to preserve anyway, so I’m glad that’s done.

    Thanks again for your great help, Stephen!



    Host says they can’t rise timeout or memory limit. I’d rather not have to do this locally, I’ve never done anything like that and I frankly don’t want to spend the time learning and trying… I’ll give the importer another go later today, see if I get a better result.



    I tried stopping and starting again. Most of the time that did the trick. Not this time, it seemed.

    Can you tell me exactly what I should ask my webhost to raise? I wouldn’t know how to do a conversion locally, so I’m really hoping this’ll work.

    For now, I removed the imported users manually.

    Thanks again for you help, Stephen!



    Now the conversion process seems to have stopped when there’s about eight thousand Replies left to convert… I don’t see the spinning thing anymore indicating progress, but get the same time limit warning.

    Also, as mentioned, posts/Replies are all assigned to me, instead of the users who made them.



    It seems to work now when I set the number of rows very low (10) and give it plenty of delay (5 seconds).

    The conversion process is about halfway through the Replies now, but all the posts – so far anyway – are assigned to me, instead of the users who originally created Topics and posted those Replies.



    I have tried that — resetting and starting the conversion process again. But not with a lower row count and higher time interval, so I’ll give that a go.

    Resetting the forums does not remove all the imported users, by the way. Is that a problem? Should I select “Start a fresh conversion from the beginning” or “Purge all information from a previously attempted import” or both?

    Thanks for your help so far.



    Hey Stephan, thanks for your reply.

    I’m running punBB 1.4.2. I actually upgraded to the latest version before I started the conversion process.

    There is a _posts table but not a “message text” field. It’s called just “message”. All the others look just the way you describe them.



    Thanks Stephen! I’ve been waiting for this.

    Unfortunately, the converter seems to get stuck at the point where it’s supposed to start importing Replies. It brings over Forums, Topics and Users just fine, though.

    It also repeatedly gives me the following Warning, nor sure if it’s connected..

    Warning: set_time_limit(): Cannot set time limit due to system policy in /customers/e/e/2/[MY URL]/wp-content/plugins/bbpress/includes/admin/converter.php on line 306

    In reply to: Converting from punBB?



    Thanks for your reply, knsheely. Problem is, I don’t know what changes I’d have to make to the example file to make it work with punBB. (If I did, I’d have done that, of course.)

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