Cole (@oldkcole)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @oldkcole


    Oh my goodness!! It seems when I switched to firefox, it was fixed from grey to black!!
    Thanks for the help Robin,
    Much appreciated.



    Thanks for the reply Robin,

    Though the the code stated in that article doesnt work with my theme/forum:
    #bbpress-forums .status-closed, #bbpress-forums .status-closed a {color: #000 !important;}

    I put it in my theme CSS and also tried a CSS plugin with no result.



    The code has definitely helped me with the trials of trying to understand bbpress.
    I was wondering if anyone knows how to edit the colour of threads that are locked?
    I guess for my theme, Customizr, the text is grey over a light pink background which makes it very hard to see…
    Any help pointing to the right direction would be most helpful



    This was my solution:
    I installed WP DB manager, went to the empty/drop menu of the plugin and selected any bbpress entries under drop which deletes data in the table (they all cluster so it will be easy to find). I then installed bbpress and it works.

    Warning: please backup database before you fiddle with it!



    Here is the bug:
    When logged in as keymaster, I cannot see the forums menu nor assign a role as that function is missing in the user account section.

    So I crated a new user and assigned it as keymaster, I then logged into that new user but couldnt see the forum role area, but when I checked my actual user using the new user and listing all users, I can see my user account is assigned as a keymaster.

    Essentially somehow the plugin is not registering the user as any role while logged into that user account



    WP Symposium, so still for WordPress



    @a42 I have decided to move to a different type of forum as I have realised by reading past threads that questions and issues raised are not well addressed, and in some cases not answered at all. I assume bbPress needs to updated to be compatible to the new version of WordPress.

    It is going blank due to the plugin causing issues with the new version of WordPress. Go to your FTP manager, and save the plugin on your computer and then delete the plugin on ther server. You will be able to login into the dashboard. That was my issue in any case…



    I have the same problem, though it happened after I updated WordPress to 3.8.2.

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