NarOneR (@naroner)

Forum Replies Created

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  • In reply to: Visual bbpress



    Finally I found the solution. WP-minify cause an error in Javascript.

    In reply to: Visual bbpress



    I just tried with a default theme but it does not work either.

    My plugin enable are :
    bbPress Enable TinyMCE Visual Tab
    Light – Responsive LightBox
    NextGEN Gallery by Photocrati
    Regenerate Thumbnails
    Responsive Lightbox
    Sidebar Login
    Theme My Login
    TinyMCE Advanced
    User Role Editor
    WP Minify
    WP Wall

    You can test on (register is open)

    In reply to: Visual bbpress



    I have the latest version of TinyMCE bbPress Enable Visual Tab and I have the same problem with or without the advanced TinyMCE plugin.

    In reply to: Visual bbpress



    Update :
    When I create a basic user, I see TinyMCE but when I click on text TinyMCE disappear and I can’t go back to visual.

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