moebis (@moebis)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @moebis


    Good News All!!! Ok…. I have sub forums working in buddypress with a small hack to group.php (in latest trunk of bbpress 2.3). @johnjamesjacoby was right, it looks like they started building this functionality into bbpress and so-far it works. The only thing left to do, is maybe make it display a little more intuitively (I’ll continue to work on that), and on the buddypress side allow sub forum posts to be added to the activity feed of the group it belongs to. I was wrong before, sub forum topic posts do not show up on group activity feed, but I think I’ve already isolated the code to fix that.

    Here is how to play with my hack in the latest trunk:

    EDIT: /bbpress/includes/extend/buddypress/group.php

    Delete lines 609-614 and add “?>” back to line 609.

    This is how the forums in groups looks now (you can see all topics from the group forum and the bbpress sub forum of that group forum). Also, the post box has a drop-down select to chose the forum or sub-forum to post to:



    @johnjamesjacoby – This actually almost completely works within the current trunks of bbpress and buddypress, even the activity feed of subforums looks and works correctly within the group. The only bug is somewhere in the display of the forum tab in the group, I assume because it’s not expecting a subforum, which is why it doesn’t display the parent forum, which is also the group forum. I confirmed this by creating another subgroup (so 1 parent, and 2 child), and it will only display the latest forum/subforum created within the group and ignore the older 2 (the parent and first created subfourm). I will play around with the source code to see where it’s generating the group forum display and make a code suggestion if you would like. It’s probably just querying the bbpress tables for a forum associated with the group and whichever shows last in the table is what the display generates. It’s smart enough to already calculate all of the topics in all forums and sub-forums, so it’s about 90% of the way there. I think because bbpress and buddypress are partitioned so well, this might not be an issue, it’s almost feature complete in this regard, and I know the community has been clambering for this functionality for a very long time. Most end up turning to the hierarchy plugin, which really isn’t the long term solution. Is it possible to get this into 1.7, which is so close to release? If so, I’ll work out a quick solution, that is future proof and can be expanded on in future versions.



    Created ticket within buddypress trac:

    In reply to: bbPress 2.2.4 Released



    beta1 of 2.3 now allows image embedding.



    He’s right, the new beta1 is looking good. You can also now embed images (notice the new icon, looks like a tree):

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