Micheal (@micheal0424)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @micheal0424


    Thanks for the help!!



    I got it, the s2Members option in the restrictions needed to be adjusted.

    s2Members>Restrictions Option>Alternative View Protection>Comment Feeds unchecked.



    I think I have it narrowed down to the s2Member Plugin causing an authority level issue, that is why I can see everything but she couldn’t.

    I thought I had that plugin off but it was the only one I missed.

    Now I have to figure out how to make the adjustment where I need to to get the participant to see it.



    I also presume you still have all your plugins except bbPress deactivated? YES, I turn them off when trying everything.

    Also what theme is it you are using? http://themeforest.net/item/enfold-responsive-multipurpose-theme/4519990?ref=Kriesi

    Have you any custom code in a functions.php file running? NO



    Are you not seeing your topics or replies in each section?

    Refer to my screen shots before to make sure I am not getting confused to what you are asking here.

    For the one I referenced the participant did this:
    Forum(General Questions)>Topic(Payout)>

    When they go there they see the response to what they entered earlier but they don’t see what they posted earlier.

    What is odd though is when I go to the same page I see her original post and my response to her question. She doesn’t see that though, she just sees my response.

    This is what she sees as a Participant:

    This is what I see as Admin:



    Just ran the tool and only selected the “Remap existing users to default forum roles” box and pressed repair items button, still not fixed.



    This statement here confuses me… You should see Forums, Topics, and Replies sections like I have in my previous screenshot. All the ‘posts’ should show here, you only see the title of the post and not the full content until you open it with the ‘edit’ row action (mouse over a title).

    Are you not seeing your topics or replies in each section?

    YES, I do.


    Here is Topics screen shot.




    Auto role Automatically give registered visitors the “participant” forum role



    I am still puzzled where the posts are, I thought there would be an area like the comments or replies for that.



    No ,there is no private or pending like on your screen.



    I see nothing in comments, it is empty.

    I see the reply in the Replies area though.



    Where would I see the pending?

    The setting is on Public.






    To sweeten the pot, if you can help me resolve this I will name my next born after you!!




    The first image shows the forums.


    This image shows the topic “Payout” previously entered by the participant.


    This image shows the response but not the original entry.

    These images screen shots taken from the participant being logged in.

    When the participant tries to look at any other topic they don’t see what has been posted, they only see the one that Micheal replied to (just not there post that was being replied to).


    Here is what Micheal sees when he is logged in:


    As you can see in this image Micheal can see the original post and his own.


    When Micheal is logged in he can see his own posts but when the participant tries to look at the same post they don’t see anything Micheal has posted (except his response to their post).

    Any Ideas?




    I forgot to mention that I tried different browsers as well and have the same problem.

    When a participant creates a post they can’t see there own post or that they even posted except under the topic section they can see they started it. I would give you the link to see all of this but it is in our members area.

    I can send you a PM if possible with information you will need to see the issues if that helps?

    Thank you.



    I tried the Twenty Fourteen theme and I am still having the issue.

    Any other ideas?

    I have tried everything I can think of.

    Thanks for the help.

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