Metzae (@metzae)

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  • @metzae


    First of all, thanks for your help so far…

    I can’t use the WP plug-in because I can’t even log in to activate it.

    I’ve also tried the fix-admin-access plugin but it doesn’t work for me. I get administrator access back but not keymaster access (which means I can’t even see the plugins link in the admin panel). I would edit the database directly if I knew what to change the values to, but so far every time I mess with that it just resets me to “member.”

    I tried the freshly baked cookies plug-in, but I don’t know how to make it work. The notes say that I’m supposed to set my LOGGED_IN_SALT and AUTH_SALT, but they’re both in the WP admin options, and since I can’t log in, I can’t find them.

    At this point I’m willing to just uninstall bbPress and wait until a more stable version comes out, but that won’t solve my main problem, which is my inability to log into WordPress. :o(



    This is exactly my problem, and I tried using that plugin after I accidentally reset my access to member. The plugin worked fine and restored my administrator access, but I’m still not able to convert myself to key master. All of the trouble started when I changed the permissions for my users, specifically when I set my “admin” (user name) to “administrator.” Two things happened at that point: I am no longer key master and (more importantly) I can no longer log into my WordPress part of the site. :o(

    Please _ck_, wave your magic wand or something and help a brotha out!




    I just realized that my account isn’t working properly on either site. I can log into bbPress but now I don’t have full. I wanted to install a plugin but there’s no option to do so (even though there was one a few minutes ago). It says I’m listed as an Administrator, but not the Key Master.

    I checked phpMyAdmin and these seem to be the most relevant fields…

    dharmaguild_capabilities a:1:{s:13:”administrator”;b:1;}

    dharmaguild_user_level 10




    WordPress 2.7.1

    I just followed the automated installer to integrate the two. At first I had issues because I’d mistakenly installed WordPress in the wrong database. So, I wiped the bbPress from my database, exported/imported the WP information to the correct database, made sure WP was working properly, then installed bbPress again. Everything worked fine for bbPress (and it still does) but now WP isn’t working.

    I checked the forums a bit and looked at my database using phpMyAdmin to see if there was some setting on my user name that had been tweaked, but honestly I don’t know it well enough to tell at a glance if it’s okay. But, like I said, bbPress is working fine and the *front end* of WordPress is working fine…just not the users.

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