chris, you are right! it was a “permissions thing”: the “forum” directory was 755; I changed in 777 and now the installer works fine!
(and at the end of the installation I change in 755 for security reasons).
thank you so much!
thank you Chris for your reply.
Now I have try a fresh, clean install.
Step 1 – Database configuration: I put my data, I don’t edit the advanced settings, I click on “Save configuration database file” and I got this message:
Step 1 – Database configuration
Your settings could not be saved to a configuration file. You will need to save the text shown below into a file named bb-config.php in the root directory of your bbPress installation before you can continue.
So I copy the “Contents for bb-config.php” in a file and i put this one on my site.
After I follow the instruction:
“Once you have created the configuration file, you can check for it below”
I check and i get another time the same error. 
What do I do, now? I have not idea! can you give me some further help?
thank you so much!