Forum Replies Created
In reply to: problem with the i18n to hebrew of bbress
I don’t like to mess with SVN, but I have no objection that someone will upload it to there
In reply to: problem with the i18n to hebrew of bbressBut since there is an Hebrew translation at , you don’t really need a solution
In reply to: Benefit of integrating WP/bbPressThere are some WP plugins which should work without any changes, those are the plugins which do not interact with the actual content, like google analitycs or super cache. Plugins which need the interaction will probably not work, or at least not as expected, but if you are willing to do some coding, in the long run it might be easier to adapt an existing WP plugin to be used with BB than to support two different plugins, one for each platform.
In reply to: Sometimes Less Is Just LessIn the meantime I have found someone who is going unwillingly to serve as a guinea pig for the idea…
In reply to: Sometimes Less Is Just LessIt is probably unwise to make this very premature announcement, but I’m working on integrating BB as a plugin of WP, with seamless installation, integrated users, login, search, themes (header, sidebar, footer and as much styling as possible), XML-RPC, Tags, RSS, compatibility with relevant WP plugins like goggle analytics and tinymce comments, and new widgets to show bbpress info. Right now the installation, user integration and login are working.
This is a spare time project, so there is no ETA…. (and if you think that I’m looking for a sponsor for this project, you are at least partly right
Since it is a challenging project, I sometimes wonder if it worth it. More specifically, does someone in Automatic currently making an high level design for a similar feature and I’m practically wasting my time?
Sam, can you comment about this?
In reply to: bbPress and 1.0-alpha-5 releasedHad anyone had success with alpha 5 (actually r1910) cookie integration with wordpress mu 2.6?