mamikaze (@mamikaze)

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  • In reply to: disabling breadcrumbs



    Thanks, binarymoon! That is exactly what I needed.



    I have WP 2.9.2 / BB 1.0.2 with the integrations plugins on both sides. I test user registrations and they are created and match on both sides.

    All my auth keys match.

    Where do I check roles in my database? I have the table prefix is correct in the integrations settings. I have the BB user roles map set up and it’s working.




    I have all my integration, cookie and auth keys matching but I cannot login to bbpress admin if I am in wp-admin and vice versa.




    I just tried that and still cannot be logged into both WP and BB. I have to clear my cookies to go back and forth.

    Any ideas?

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