LMD (@louisedade)

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  • @louisedade


    @jo_shi @robin-w Yes, that’s the same issue I have.

    People who need access to more than one private forum, but not the the whole of the group they belong to needs access. So they would have to belong to a group on their own. For a couple of people that manageable, but not when it gets to double (or triple!) figures.

    The addition of the new User Management screen for adding users to groups (instead of having to go to each profile) is handy, though.



    @netweb That’s good to know! I’ve got the plugin suggested above working, but it’s not as flexible as BuddyPress in the way groups are managed (for some reason you assign a group to a user instead of a user to a group, which means a user can not belong to more than one group — so, not ideal unless you have mutually exclusive groups).



    Thanks – I was hoping to avoid another plugin to do something an exisiting plugin can (should?/will eventually?) be able to do. I want to keep BuddyPress for its other features, and although groups are currently assigned, eventually there will be groups that people can join themselves.

    I will try that other plugin for now and just disable to BP Groups component.

    In reply to: Plugin: Avatar Upload



    Hi – it’s me, the plugin author, as Granny Weatherwax might say “I ain’t dead”. But I am busy.

    Would anybody like to take over responsibility for this plugin? You’ll need to investigate the problems some people have had and bring it kicking and screaming into 2009!

    I don’t know how this works, but it looks like I can add somebody as a “Committer”.


    In reply to: Plugin: Avatar Upload



    Aha! That error string comes from a much older version of the plugin — please can you try installing the latest version and see if you still have errors?

    Latest Version: 0.8.3


    In reply to: Plugin: Avatar Upload



    Hmm.. ok, it’s been a logn time since I was here, sorry about that.

    The file extension being in all caps shouldn’t be a problem, the filenames are made lower case before they are checked.

    It could be the file got corrupted or something, or isn’t a proper JPEG – what software did he use to create it?

    In reply to: Plugin: Avatar Upload



    Thumbnails are now an undocumented feature in version 0.8.3.

    It’s undocumented because I think it ought to be road tested first. To use thumbnails you have to enable the feature in the plugin file itself, it is not configurable in the admin options page.

    1. Open up bb-avatar-upload.php and in the configuration settings class, scroll down to the following section:

    // Use a thumbnail image (hidden feature for now). 1 = yes / 0 = no (default)
    $this->use_thumbnail = 0;
    $this->thumb_width = 25;
    $this->thumb_height = 25;

    Set $this->use_thumbnail to 1 to enable and change the dimensions if desired.

    When enabled, whenever a user uploads an avatar a smaller copy is created with the prefix ‘thumb.‘ So the avatar username.jpg will have a thumbnail called thumb.username.jpg (the file type changes with the avatar file type, so PNG avatars produce PNG thumbnails etc).

    2. You can access the thumbnail image with the following function call:

    echo avatarupload_displaythumb($user->ID);

    An image tag is returned with the class name avatar_thumb.

    <img src="thumb.username.jpg" width="25" height="25" alt="Username" class="avatar_thumb">

    I think that covers everything, let me know if you have any problems.

    In reply to: Plugin: Avatar Upload




    Yeah… sorry I didn’t get a chance to look at it last weekend. I’m looking at it now though.

    In reply to: Plugin: Avatar Upload



    You mean you want a thumbnail version? That is certainly possible, but it won’t happen for a while – if you don’t mind waiting, I can look at it next weekend.

    In reply to: Plugin: Avatar Upload


    In reply to: Plugin: Avatar Upload



    Sounds like you hit the same problem as fel, sorry about that.

    I’ll try and get that update out today!

    As for the other issue, yeah, I’ll add a note – although I’ve had an idea about a way to circumvent the problem (a theory, anyway).

    In reply to: Plugin: Avatar Upload



    Just to confirm, version 0.8.1 is definitely now available to download — but the same “missing files” problem is still happening, so until it’s fixed, you’ll need to download the contents of the additional-files/my-templates/ and additional-files/avatars/* folders via the svn.

    (* if you’ve already got a copy of the plugin, don’t bother to download the additional-files/avatars/content, it hasn’t changed.)

    In reply to: Plugin: Avatar Upload



    Arrrrggghhh! Not again! Sorry, this happened with the last update and I don’t know what the problem is. The files are there in the SVN, so something is going wrong with the automatic ZIP downloader. I’m going to fire off an email to the bbDev list.

    Also, I posted the announcement a little prematurely. Version 0.8.1 hasn’t appeared in the Plugin browser yet, it’s still showing version 0.8, so you might want to wait a while (at least half-an-hour to an hour) for the system to “catch up”. Again, the SVN itself has the latest version in the trunk.

    In reply to: Plugin: Avatar Upload



    Avatar Upload version 0.8.1 is now available.

    * This version enables the resizing of transparent GIFs and PNGs. Note, PNG alpha channel transparencies may cause problems.

    * It also makes a bit better use of the cache using bb_get_user().

    * A tiny HTML error was fixed on the upload avatar template.

    In reply to: Plugins SVN Problem



    Ok, I’ll see what happens with the next update to the plugin.

    In reply to: Plugin: Avatar Upload



    No, the resized images keep the same image type they had originally. So a PNG will remain a PNG after being resized.

    There are some transparancy functions that can be used with GIFs and for PNGs there are also alpha channel functions.

    This is now on the “To Do” list.

    For now correctly sizing the image before upload will preserve any transparency.

    In reply to: Plugin: Avatar Upload



    Oh! I see, the sub-sub folders are empty, I just downloaded it from here myself to check.

    When I browsed bbPress’ Subversion repository, the files ARE there — I didn’t forget to commit them! — so somehow the bbPress Plugin Browser (the one on this site, NOT Sam’s plugin) has messed up the ZIP download.

    The question is, whether it is a one-off or a systematic problem? Admins? Coders? Any ideas?

    To solve your problem outchy (and yes, somehow the identicon section got deleted in your avatar.php file), you can download files directly from the Trac browser.

    Here is the avatar.php file (long url, sorry):


    You can not save that page itself, but scroll right to the bottom of it and you’ll see “Download in other formats” – just click on “Original Format” and you’ll be prompted to save a PHP file.

    You can do it for any other files you’re missing.

    In reply to: Plugin: Avatar Upload



    How are you installing the plugin? Are you downloading it directly or are you using the ‘Plugin browser for bbPress’ plugin? If the latter, then I think it’s not downloading properly, you need to do it manually by downloading the current ZIP file, unzipping it and follow the instructions in the readme.txt file.

    Here is the Avatar Upload plugin in the bbPRess Plugin Browser, the newest version of the code is always to be found on that page:


    Click on the link “Download latest version” — or just click the following download link for now:


    In reply to: Plugin: Avatar Upload



    On “Avatar” page in the user’s profile area, just select the “Use your identicon instead?” checkbox and press the “Use Identicon” button. You can do it for other members too if you are a moderator.

    In reply to: Plugin: Avatar Upload



    @Box87 – thanks, but I think the class has far too many features for an avatar upload script. It would be fantastic for a fully-fledged image/photo album/file-browser plugin, but I’m not interested in going down that route.

    Avatar Upload now already has the two chief functions it lacked: resizing (including maintaining aspect ratio) and sharpening of resized truecolor images (unsharp mask). I want to keep it as simple as possible.

    I onced used a forum where the avatar feature was integrated with a generic image upload browser and my users got a bit confused. They didn’t realise it was one and the same place (they hardly EVER uploaded anything that wasn’t an avatar) – you uploaded an image and had to select the one to use as an avatar – it was possible to select an image that was too big etc. So I hacked the plugin to make it more specifically for avatars (making my own for this particular forum would have been a right-Royal pain in the [gr]ass), but I was never really happy with the forum software and ditched it for another one — until bbPress arrived!

    @_ck_ thanks, I’ll look into it. My primary concern right now is getting the plugin to play nicely with the Plugin Browser plugin.

    In reply to: Plugin: Avatar Upload



    Ok, version 0.7 is released: including the changes by SamBauers as well as an image sharpening (unsharp mask) function.

    @Sam – Using the latest version of your plugin, I tried installing the new version of Avatar Uplaod, but it still wouldn’t read the additional-files directory. This is what it looks like over FTP: screenshot (NOTE: if there is a problem viewing it — error 403 — try cutting and pasting the URL instead – it’s probably my over-zealous image-hotlinking prevention).

    In reply to: Plugin: Avatar Upload



    Thanks Sam! That’s awsome. I’ve downloaded and reviewed the code and I’ve made a couple of small modifications – added an option to the admin page and a tiny bit of validating (so that you can’t have a non-numerical or zero max_width etc — actually setting the sizes to zero will now reset the options to their “factory defaults”).

    @Plugin Users: I’m adding an unsharp mask routine to the reszing code before I commit the updates, so it might not be ready until tomorrow. If you’ve downloaded Sam’s update, you will have to do another update later.

    In reply to: Plugin: Avatar Upload



    Well, yes, the plugin includes a file that must be placed into the bbPress root as well as another file that must be moved into the templates folder (either bb-templates/kakumei or my-templates/template-name). Not to mention the creation of the avatars folder and uploading of the default avatar.

    I can not see any way around this other than uploading all files to the my-plugins/avatar-upload folder and then using the script to move them to the right locations. Although, the file that remains in the my-plugins would still need to be manually edited to set the plugin’s options. Likewise, the folder creation could be done with a script rather than the current manual creation (as SamBauers suggested on the Plugin Browser thread).

    Is there a hook for when a plugin is activated? Looking around bbPulp I found the following…


    … but no information on how they are used.

    In reply to: Plugin: Avatar Upload



    Ok – in that case it must be something to do with the capabilities checking I do to ensure the current user has permission to edit the avatar. I’ll look in to it and get back to you.

    In reply to: Plugin: Avatar Upload



    Hi, the error you are reporting appears to be a problem with the bbPress core code, specifically the user ‘capabilities’ class.

    Have I understood this correct:

    – You are using the latest bbPress version ( ?

    – The error only appeared AFTER you upgraded to the latest Avatar Upload plugin to version (0.6.2)?

    – Does the error appear on EVERY page, or just the Avatar Upload template in the profile area?

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