lincolnthree (@lincolnthree)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @lincolnthree


    Make sure you don’t have any pre-existing or duplicate pages called “Forums” or that use the same URL slug as your forums / bbpress installation. This will cause problems and BBPress may not display. Delete these posts and MAKE SURE TO EMPTY THE TRASH!





    Hah… somehow I had two mysql database schemas and user accounts. I transitioned to a new one about 8 months ago, which is why the database I was importing from did not have posts since then… Stupid, but, found the problem.



    Okay, a little more information. It seems like there are 914 topics in the bb_topics table, and when i query for the last topic that was imported, I find it:

    mysql> SELECT * FROM bb_topics WHERE topic_title like '%How get the original%' ORDER BY topic_start_time DESC;
    | topic_id | topic_title                                 | topic_slug                                | topic_poster | topic_poster_name | topic_last_poster | topic_last_poster_name | topic_start_time    | topic_time          | forum_id | topic_status | topic_open | topic_last_post_id | topic_sticky | topic_posts | tag_count |
    |      914 | How get the original Request URI from JSF ? | how-get-the-original-request-uri-from-jsf |          650 | ceefour           |               650 | ceefour                | 2012-08-04 11:25:22 | 2012-08-04 19:27:20 |        1 |            0 |          1 |               3909 |            0 |           3 |         4 |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)

    However, when I query for something else that should exist. One of the newer posts that was not imported: ( I come up with nothing:

    mysql> SELECT * FROM bb_topics WHERE topic_title like '%get encoded%' ORDER BY topic_start_time DESC;
    Empty set (0.00 sec)

    How is it that this topic clearly exists and shows up on the website, but it would not exist in the bb_topics table? Answering this seems like it would lead to the root cause of this migration problem.

    Thanks again for all of your help,





    Yikes, looks like you’re having some spam problems too. Got my site back up. Hit these URLs: (minus the FAIL part, that’s for the spambots)

    My old forums are located here:
    My new forums are located here: (for now)


    Will try looking at the data by hand and seeing if there are any discrepancies.




    Hey Stephen,

    Thanks for the very quick reply.

    You’re right, the site is apparently a tad unresponsive at the moment, even via SSH. It seems like I started suffereing a DDOS attack on both of my forum URLs since I posted here. I’m working with my provider to attempt to curtail this, but for now I’m a bit SoL. It seems like someone is probably scraping your forums to find vulnerable users.

    More as I learn it..


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