PJ Brunet (@knowingart_com)

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  • In reply to: Is BBPress responsive?



    The trouble is, by default bbPress has a lot of bells and whistles (features) that will quickly clutter a small screen.

    So it’s a lot of work to clean up the clutter and remove unnecessary design elements, borders, etc. Convert “px” to “em” and percentages. Use something like Flowtype to resize your text.

    Here’s an example of what you can do: http://linkedexpertsalliance.com/forums/

    I spent about an hour just cleaning up the boxes and borders bbPress draws around the text editor, which makes all of your editor buttons too small to press on a phone. You want that text editor to use up the full width of your device. I tried to make those buttons responsive but the problem is you need those buttons to be big enough to tap, like the “bold” button is tiny. In the end, decided to go with a fixed viewport. It’s just lots of little tradeoffs here and there that makes it frustrating.



    I had initially installed Buddypress but uninstalled it right away.
    So Buddypress took a ____ on my domain and didn’t clean up after itself.

    Now I need to code my own members list plugin, I don’t see a good one in the plugins directory.



    I like this a little better ;-)

    <div class="threadauthor">
    <a href="<?php echo get_user_profile_link(get_post_author_id()) ?>">
    <?php post_author_avatar(); ?><br />
    <?php post_author(); ?></a>
    <br />
    <a href="<?php echo get_user_link(get_post_author_id()) ?>"><small><?php post_author_title(); ?></small></a>



    OK, my server is undergoing some upgrades, but this is what I came up with:

    <div class="threadauthor">
    <a href="/profile/<?php post_author_id(); ?>">
    <?php post_author_avatar(); ?><br />
    <?php post_author(); ?></a>
    <br />
    <!--<strong><?php post_author_link(); ?></strong><br />-->
    <a href="<?php echo(get_user_link(get_post_author_id($post_id))) ?>"><small><?php post_author_title(); ?></small></a>

    Now I’m going to change the URL back from numeric to the person’s username.



    Thanks Ipstenu, I didn’t realize post.php was what I needed. Using your code I came up with this…well the “code” tag isn’t working.

    Now I have the picture and name linking to the profile. Next I want to link the “author_title” to the person’s URL, hopefully there’s a handy function to get the author’s URL.



    @chrishajer thanks I’ll check that out.

    But, I’d like to fix this problem because the URL of the “member” is very important to me. Should I start reading “https://plugins-dev.bbpress.org/&#8221; or? I’d like to help work on the code but I have no experience contributing to open source.

    As it is now, the URL is not saved, it’s not even in the list on the profile page.

    I’m guessing that’s the responsibility of the “bb_get_current_user_info( ‘id’ );” function?

    I personally think clicking the member’s pic should take you to their profile, that would be more intuitive IMO. I wouldn’t expect to click the text “Member” to see a profile, and that makes even less sense if I give the member some custom name under his/her picture. Let’s say a member works for XYZ Inc. Now I want to show “XYZ Inc.” under his/her profile picture, a pretty typical use of the member’s custom title. To me it would make more sense to link “XYZ Inc.” to XYZ.com using the member’s URL. But the way you have it now, clicking “XYZ Inc.” takes you to his/her profile page, which doesn’t make sense to me.

    In reply to: SatNightSpecials.com



    A little background info:

    Good friend of mine is touring around France. Between the two of us, we know a ton of musicians/artists all over the USA and Europe, should be a fun forum :-)



    I just installed the alpha and noticed the “Website” edit issue also, but I’m happy to hear that the website is saved for new registrations.

    I guess now I need to find out how to reference a user’s website, so I can create some kind of “signature”



    Honestly, I looked at the advanced options, if the “localhost” setting was there I brain-farted (after 3am) or didn’t make the connection in my head. But if you’re saying it’s there, that’s obviously the more poetic solution ;-)

    Not sure I can do anything about the NFS. I’m pleased with WP performance on MT. Looking at my GPU usage (their internal metric) I’m pretty sure I can pull off a million pageviews/month on the basic (gs) “grid service” account. With a typical shared hosting account, you’ll probably get kicked to the curb at 10k pageviews/day.

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