Kamil_D (@kamil_d)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @kamil_d


    Sorry everybody for my late response.

    Thanks for all the positive replays, I am very happy but I would like to hear some critique or input on how to improve the website.

    To Michael R: I hope so too because I like bbPress a lot and I will use it for my future projects.

    To: Sander B: Thanks. Or in Dutch : Bedankt!

    To: Jim R: This is not an example of bbPress as plugin but it is just WordPress / bbPress integration without “deep integration”.



    Yes, I know about it.

    What I mean is that this kind of link: _http://www.example.com/forum/forum_name/topic_name/ is a little bit better for seo en much more beautiful than this one: _http://www.example.com/forum/topic/topic_name

    And therefore this: _http://www.example.com/forum/forum_name/ instead of that: _http://www.example.com/forum/forum/forum_name

    But my priority is to get faster indexed in Google so I do not worry much about it.



    I am happy too that from now on you know i’m not a spammer :)

    In “User photo” plugin for wordpress you can adjust the settings so that if there is no uploaded avatar on the server, then it shows a gravater. So my example is a better alternative then to just use a (standard) gravater.



    I just have sent here the answer to No_Ob about another alternative. Has it been removed by a moderator and why?



    Or u can use 2 plugins:

    1) https://bbpress.org/forums/topic/user-photo-for-bbpress

    2) https://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/user-photo/

    It works very well, i use it on my site http://www.jeansbox.nl/ you can check it.

    WordPress 2.8.4 and bbPress 1.0.2



    Thanks guys,

    Yes, i like bbPress. At First I tried it with the Simple:Press forum plugin for wordpress and it did work well. But the Simple:Press plugin has two downsides, There are a lot of functions and therefore, it is very big. Plus it is very slow. While bbPress is “Simple, fast, elegant”. And this is definitely the reason why I choose bbPress. I am happy with everything except the lack of a simple possibility to add pictures and the SEO friendliness. It would be better for instance if it was combinable with a SEO plugin to change the forum links. What I also see, bbpres has problem to be indexed in Google, the indexing is very slowly. While Simple:Press plugin is much more faster get indexed in google. I don’t know, maybe it’s because of that simple:press is plugin of wordpress.

    I have read that bbPress wil be in the future also a wordpress plugin (canonical). I am wondering about it.

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